Chapter 34

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They had been back in their house for over a week. Everything was back to normal. No unexplained noises or moans. No smell of perfume and no touches from unseen hands. The house was home again.

Tim sits in his chair next to the window reading. Chance and Austin cuddled on the couch as they watched a movie. Chris relaxed in the recliner. Avi and Adam had gone to town.

"GUYS!" Adam yells as he runs into the house. "Come look what me and Avi bought!"

"You and Avi?" Tim asks, looking over his glasses, with a smirk on his face.

"Well, Okay, Avi bought." Adam smiles, rolling his eyes. "Come mere and look."

They follow Adam out to the front porch where Avi was setting three trays of flowers.

"Wow. Those are pretty." Austin says as he kneels down to get a closer look.

"What do you plan on doing with those?" Tim asks as he looks at the beautiful flowers.

"We're going to plant them in that old flower bed." Adam states as he points to the flower bed in the front yard that they've ignored since they've moved in.

"We?" Tim asks with a raised brow.

"Yes, We." Adam chuckles. "It'll give me, you and Austin something to do."

"That sounds fun." Austin nods with a smile.

"It sounds ... dirty." Tim says, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"You can wear gloves, Sweetie." Chris says as he rubs Tim on the back of the head.

"I don't know how much help I would be." Tim says.

"Adam and I can do all the dirty work, like digging and stuff. And you can hand us the flowers." Austin says and Adam nods.

"Well, alright." Tim shrugs with a smile.

"We just thought it would be nice to brighten up the place." Avi smiles as he takes Adam by the hand.

"That's a great idea." Chris smiles. "Now, if we could only get the outside of the house painted."

Chance's beeper begins to sound. He quickly pulls out his phone and calls the number on the screen.

"Well, so much for my day off." He says after ending the call.

"Noooo." Austin whines wrapping his arms around Chance.

"Something wrong?" Chris asks.

"There's a huge factory fire in the next town. They're calling in everyone to go help." Chance says.

"Please be careful." Austin says.

"I will." Chance says, kissing him softly. "Love you." He whispers.

"Love you too." Austin says with a smile.

Chance hurries to his car and leaves.

"Avi? While the guys are working on the flower bed, you want to help me fix some of these shutters that the tornado tore a loose?" Chris asks.

"Sure, why not." Avi answers. 

They give their boyfriends a kiss before heading to the shed to get the tools they will need.

Adam goes into the house and returns a few moments later with a towel. He spreads it over Tim's lap.

"What's that for?" Tim asks as he was slipping on a pair of gloves.

"For this." Adam chuckles as he sets a tray of flowers in Tim's lap.

"So, you're using me as a wagon?" Tim asks raising his brows.

Adam laughs and shakes his head. He and Austin, each grabs a tray of flowers.

"Come on, let's get started." Adam says as they make their way out to the old flower bed.

Adam and Austin began breaking up the ground as Tim arranges the flowers by color. (OCD)

"SATANISTS!" They hear their neighbor call out from the other side of the street.

"Just ignore her." Adam says as he continues to work.

Chris and Avi, who are on ladders working on one of the shutters, look around as the lady begins to yell.

"DEVIL WORSHIPPERS!!" The lady yells out.


"Good job ignoring her, Tim." Austin laughs.

"Oh, No." Chris says as he climbs down the ladder.


"I'M IN THIS CHAIR BECAUSE I WAS BORN THIS WAY, B*TCH!! THE ONLY CURSE THAT GOD BESTOWED UPON ME IS HAVING YOU FOR A F*CKING NEIGHBOR!!!" Tim yells as he heads toward the road but is stopped by his boyfriend.

"Tim! Honey, just let it go." Chris says quickly turning Tim's chair around.


"Mam? Are you a Christian?" Avi asks as he walks up beside Tim and Chris followed by Adam and Austin.

"Why, yes I am." She answers smugly, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Well, then you should know that in the Bible, Matthew 7:1,  it says 'Judge not lest ye be judged'. You're judging these men without even knowing them." Avi says.

"Are you a Christian?" The neighbor asks.

"My mother was of Christian faith and my father is Jewish. So I was raised in a very religious household." Avi answers.

"Jewish." She says, snarling her nose in disgust.

"Are you judging again?" Chris asks.

"You're going to Hell, lady." Tim snaps.

Adam and Austin giggle as Chris quickly puts his hand over Tim's mouth.

"My faith is actually none of your business. I only asked you because you took it upon yourself to do God's job. Judging. These guys were nice enough to give me a place to live after the tornado destroyed my apartment. Being raised in a religious home, I know what Satanism is. And there is none going on in that house. If it were, I wouldn't be staying here. They're good guys that just wants to be left alone." Avi says.

"Well." The lady sighs. "I am glad to see that you're trying to improve the place. The flowers are very pretty."

"Mam, I know the house is in bad shape. I just can't afford to fix it up the way I want to." Chris says with a shrug.

"It was once a beautiful house. Then people just stopped caring for it. And then it was empty for several years." The lady says.

"Oh, trust me, it wasn't empty." Tim says, shaking his head.

Chris quickly covers his mouth again and smiles at the lady.



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