Chapter 48

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"At least it's not unbearably hot today." Chris says as he hands the attendant of the amusement park their tickets. "Uh, these are for me and the guy going through the handicap gate."

The attendant nods as he takes the tickets. Another attendant stamps their hands as each come through the gates.

"I love this place." Kelsey smiles as she takes Rob by the hand.

"I've only been here once but I enjoyed what I can remember of it." Tim laughs.

"Why can't you remember it?" Kelsey asks.

"Chris drugged him." Austin chuckles.

"What?" Kelsey asks, looking at Chris with a shocked look.

"It's a long story." Chris says, shaking his head as he pushes Tim as they begin to walk through the park.

"It was just some medication the wacky doctor had us on that f*cked us up." Tim explains.

"Tim." Rob shakes his head as he scolds Tim for his language in front of Kelsey.

"Sorry, screwed us up." Tim smirks. "But we don't take it anymore."

They stop walking in order for Chris to check out the map of the park. He and Avi look over the map as the others talk about the rides that they liked.

Chris points to something on the map and gives Avi a quick smile.

"Do you want to go there first?" Avi asks in a quiet voice.

"Think we should?" Chris asks.

"We're still clean." Avi chuckles. "If you wait, we'll be hot, sweaty and probably wet from the water rides."

"True." Chris nods. "Okay, let's do this."

"So, are we going to the rides now?" Adam asks as he slides his arm around Avi.

"Well, I wanna go do something first." Chris says as he begins to push Tim's wheelchair.

"Where are we going?" Tim asks, looking up so he could see Chris.

"You'll see." Chris smiles as he leans down kissing Tim on the forehead.

They walk a pretty good distance until they reach an area beautifully decorated with plenty of trees and flowers.

"This is absolutely beautiful." Kelsey says.

"Wait. Is that what I think it is?" Chance asks as he sees a log chapel in amongst the pines.

Tim reaches down grabbing the wheels of his chair, bringing the chair to an abrupt stop. He quickly turns his chair around and stares at Chris with a shocked look on his face.

"Surprise, Sweetheart." Chris smiles as he gently rubs Tim's cheek.

"Oh. My. God. Are yall getting married?" Adam asks with a huge grin.

"A .. Are...Are w..we?" Tim asks quietly.

"You said that you wanted to get married as soon as possible." Chris smiles. "Why not today. Why not right now."

"But .. But what about rings? We don't have any rings." Tim says, shaking his head slightly.

"Avi?" Chris smiles as he holds out his hand.

Avi chuckles as he reaches into the small backpack that he was carrying. He pulls out two velvet covered ring boxes.

"You knew?" Adam grins.

"Yeah, he knew. I needed help to get this all planned and I knew the rest of you guys would have let my surprise slip to Timmy." Chris laughs as he takes the rings and opens one to show Tim.

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