Chapter 11

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Avi lets go of a heavy breath as he finally lies down in bed.

It had been a very long and tiring day. His mind jumping from the tornado to Adam, to his destroyed apartment,  to Adam, to his 'so-called' friends, to Adam.............

His mind starts to drift off as his eyes close in sleep.

He was so exhausted that he never bothered to pull up the covers. 

A light breeze blowing through the window causes him to shiver. He gets up and stumbles over to the window and closes it.

Shivering, he crawls back into bed and snuggles underneath the blankets.

Suddenly his eyes pop open as he sees something furry sitting on his bed.

He screams and falls out of the bed with a huge thump.

"What the hell was that?" Tim asks, sitting up and looking up at the ceiling.

"Sounded like the ceiling is falling in." Chris says as he throws the blankets back and climbs quickly out of bed.

"Did that come from Avi's room? His room is right above ours'." Tim says as he keeps his eyes on the ceiling.

"I'll go check. Baby, you go on back to sleep." Chris says as he slips on some jogging pants.

As Chris reaches the top of the stairs, he sees everyone coming out of their bedrooms. 

Adam was knocking on Avi's door.

"Avi? Are you alright?" Adam asks through the door.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!" He screams.

Adam glances quickly at the others before opening the door and turning on the lights.

Avi had scooted away from the bed and was pointing toward the bed.

Everyone turns their attention to the bed. There on Avi's bed sat Mr. Biggles.

"AUSTIN!!" Chris yells.

"WHAT!!??" Austin yells back as he walks up the hall, rubbing his eyes. "Why are you yelling?"

"What the hell is Mr. Biggles doing in Avi's room?" Chris asks.

"Well, this was Avi's first night and I thought he might get scared." Austin says innocently with a shrug. "So I thought he wouldn't get scared if Mr. Biggles slept in here with him."

Avi chuckles as he runs a hand through his hair.

"The window was open and I thought a freaking raccoon had come into my room." Avi laughs as Adam helps him from the floor.

Chance walks over and grabs up Mr. Biggles and hands him back to Austin.

"We have already told you that Biggles stays in your room." Chance says.

"No harm done." Avi says. "It just kinda startled me."

"He can stay if you want?" Austin asks politely.

"Uh, No." Avi answers quickly. "He can go back to your room. But thanks for the gesture." 

"Are you alright? That was an awfully loud fall." Adam says as rubs Avi on the arm.

"Tim and I thought our ceiling was falling in." Chris laughs.

"Yea, I'm fine and sorry about that." Avi chuckles as he straightens his blankets. "Guess I was closer to the edge than I thought."

"Well, I'm going back to bed." Chance says as he scratches his beard. "Maybe I can continue my dream with J-Lo."

"You wish." Rob chuckles as he puts an arm around Chance's shoulder and one around Austin's as they leave the room.

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