Chapter 40

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"Are you alright?" Chris smiles as he rubs Tim on the side of the head.

Tim nods as he cries, looking down at the ring.

"You're not going to start hyperventilating, are you?" Chris chuckles softly.

"I'll try not to." Tim smiles through his tears.

"That was so awesome." Austin smiles.

"It's so beautiful but when did you get it?" Tim asks as he wipes his cheeks with a napkin.

"Today, while Avi and I were in town. I'm glad you like it." Chris says as he kisses Tim's hand.

"So you knew?" Adam asks.

"Not until we started looking at engagement rings." Avi chuckles.

"And you didn't tell me?" Adam asks with a shocked look on his face.

"No, cause we know that you and Tim share all your secrets." Avi laughs, kissing Adam on the cheek.

"This is a very nice surprise." Rob smiles. "And I will have to say, it's about time."

"Ditto." Tim chuckles as he grabs Chris into a hug.

"Well, hello, guys. Good to see you again." A voice speaks up.

They turn to see a smiling historian, Peter Hollens. His smile fades as he notices Tim's red puffy eyes.

"Tim? Are you alright?" Peter asks as he squats down next to Tim's chair.

"I'm more than alright." Tim smiles as he holds up his left hand for Peter to see the ring.

"Oh." Peter says, a bit of disappointment in his voice. "Well, I guess congratulations are in order."

"Thank you." Tim smiles.

"You mind if I talk to you for a minute?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, sure. I guess so." Tim shrugs and Peter starts to walk away.

"Baby, I don't think that's a good idea." Chris says as he takes Tim by the hand.

"It'll be fine. Trust me." Tim says, giving Chris a light kiss.

He heads over to where Peter was waiting.

"I don't like this." Chris mumbles.

"You don't have anything to worry about, Chris." Adam says with a smile. "Tim loves you more than life itself. I know cause we talk. He's been wanting you to slip a ring on his finger for a very long time."

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Tim asks as he rolls his chair to where Peter was now sitting.

"About this marriage." Peter answers.

"What about it?" Tim asks a bit confused.

"Don't you think you may be rushing into it?" Peter asks.

"What?" Tim asks with a slight chuckle.

"I mean, it wasn't that long ago that he was coming on to a woman at the library. Yes, I know about it. I heard yall arguing in the yard." Peter says.

"No, you don't understand ..." Tim says shaking his head but Peter didn't let him finish.

"Tim, I can give you so much more." Peter says as he takes Tim by the hand. "I have that big house. I'm very wealthy. You wouldn't have to ever need anything ever again."

"Are you being serious, right now?" Tim says as he pulls his hand away from Peter. "You can't buy me. I don't want a big fine mansion. I love Chris. I have since the first day I met him."

"I think that you just think you love him because he showed you the attention that you were needing." Peter says as he reaches for Tim's hand again.

"You know nothing about me so how in the hell do you know what I think." Tim says, raising his voice and jerking his hand away.

Chris stands up quickly and heads in their direction.

"My love for Chris is real! And I'm offended that you think I would even consider dumping him for you and your money!" Tim says angrily. "I would rather live in a shack with Chris than in a f*ckin' mansion with you!"

"What the hell is going on?!" Chris growls as he turns Tim's chair around.

"We were just talking." Peter says, innocently.

"Chr .... Chris, I .. I can't .. I can't breathe." Tim whispers as he lays a hand on his chest, fighting to take a breath.

"Shhh, I'm right here, Baby. Calm down." Chris whispers as he pulls Tim to his chest.

"I think maybe it would be a good idea for you to get the hell away from here." Chance says as he glares at Peter.

"I swear, I didn't mean any harm." Peter says as he stands up. "I'm truly sorry." He quickly walks away.

Chris was whispering softly to Tim, who would nod occasionally.

"Is he going to be alright, Chris?" Adam asks.

"Yeah, he's breathing a little better." Chris says as he places a kiss on top of Tim's head.

"I'll be right back." Avi says as he gets up to follow Peter.

He catches him before he gets into his car.

"Excuse me, Peter?" Avi calls to him. "Just what was that all about?"

"Avi, honestly, I didn't mean to cause any trouble." Peter says shaking his head.

"Then what was that about?" Avi asks.

"I was just wanting Tim to think about what he is jumping into. Maybe he thinks that Chris is the only one that finds him attractive because of the way he is. But he's not. I find him very attractive and I can give him so much more." Peter tries to explain.

"It's not about the money to Tim." Avi says, shaking his head. "It's about the love they share. You haven't seen them two together. They are very much in love. They're not happy unless they are with each other."

"Well, when I saw them they weren't getting along too well." Peter comments.

"They had an argument. Couples sometimes do. But that doesn't mean they don't love each other." Avi replies. "Tim doesn't need a fine house or fancy clothes to make him happy. All he needs is Chris for him to be happy."

"Avi? Is everything alright?" Adam asks as he and the others come out of the restaurant.

"Yeah, Babe. Everything is fine." Avi smiles.

"I was just leaving." Peter says. "Tim, Chris? I am so sorry. I was way out of line. I truly hope you both the best."

"Thank you." Chris says and Tim nods.

Peter gets into his car and drives away.

"Why don't I drive. Chris, you can sit with your fiance'." Rob smiles.

"I'd love to." Chris smiles as he kisses Tim softly.

"I can't believe this is even happening." Tim smiles down at his ring as they head home.

"I've been wanting to ask you for some time now. Just couldn't get up the nerve." Chris smiles.

"I think we need to go home and celebrate, don't you?" Tim whispers as he leans over and nibbles on Chris's ear.

"Sounds like a great idea to me, Baby." Chris says before crashing his lips to Tim's.

"Uh, Rob? Can you drive a little faster?" Chance asks with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I think these two are fixing to start making out." Austin laughs.



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