Chapter 35

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"Uh, Tim? Can I ask you something?" Adam asks as they continue to work on the flower bed.

"Sure." Tim answers as he picks up a flower and smells of it.

"Ummm, was Chris your first?" Adam asks, cutting his eyes up at the man in the wheelchair.

"What?" Tim chuckles.

"Did you give your virginity to Chris?" Adam asks as he stops his work.

"D*mn." Tim laughs. "I thought you were going to ask which color flower should be next."

"I'm being serious." Adam smiles.

"Me too." Tim chuckles.

Austin also had stopped working, awaiting Tim's answer.

"Enquiring minds want to know." Austin says with a giggle.

"Why?" Tim asks looking down at the two sitting on the ground.

"Because." Adam shrugs.

"Because is not an answer." Tim says with a raised brow.

"We just want to know." Austin answers.

"Yes." Tim says with a smile, his cheeks reddening with embarrassment. "Chris was my first and only. We had already started having feelings for each other while I was at the hospital after slitting my wrists. When I was released I had nowhere to go so he let me stay with him. Our feelings grew even more and then BAM! We had sex."

"Did it hurt the first time?" Adam asks out of curiosity.

"Hell, yeah, it hurt." Tim chuckles. "Imagine a cucumber being shoved into an eye of a needle."

"Ouch." Austin chuckles.

"You're lying." Adam says with a shocked expression.

"I'm not lying. I may be exaggerating just a little but I'm not lying." Tim replies. "But it did hurt. And I was sore as hell the next day. But truthfully, it was worth the pain."

"Does it still hurt?" Adam asks.

"Yeah, some. But it's a pleasurable pain. It's hard to explain." Tim says, biting on his bottom lip. His mind slipping to his lover. "Are you guys writing a book on the sexual escapades of Tim Foust and Chris Rupp?"

"No." Adam answers quietly as he pulls at some grass on the ground. "I just wanted to know."

"Whoa, wait a minute." Tim says, leaning over in his chair to look at Adam. "Adam, look at me."

Adam slowly lifts his eyes to look into the concerned brown eyes.

"Are you planning on having sex with Avi?" Tim whispers.

Adam sighs and hangs his head.

"Holy sh*t. You are!" Tim says.

"Tim, I love him so much and he loves me." Adam says, looking back up at Tim. "I just want to take it to the next level."

"Wow. And what about you?" Tim asks, turning his attention to Austin.

Austin hangs his head and gives a slight nod.

"Sweet Mary, mother of God. My babies are growing up." Tim laughs.

"But if it hurts that bad, I don't know whether I want to or not." Austin says, shaking his head.

"I'm not going to lie to you. The first time hurts. But it is well worth it. I never regretted giving myself to Chris for one minute. I've come to the point of almost being addicted to him." Tim says with a smile.

"That's really romantic." Austin smiles.

"What is? Being addicted to sex?" Tim chuckles.

"No." Austin laughs. "You guys are. It's like you can't keep your hands off each other. Chris is always touching you or kissing you. It's just really romantic."

"Chris has to put up with a lot dealing with me. I know I'm really hard on him at times. But I really don't know where I would be without him. He tends to my every need." Tim says, looking around at his lover up on the ladder.

"You think you'll be my brother-in-law one of these days." Adam says with a smirk.

"I wish but I'm not getting my hopes up." Tim says sadly.

"I don't know, maybe with Mr. Hollens flirting with you, it made Chris realize that he could lose you." Austin says.

"I'd never leave Chris. He's my everything." Tim says.

"I know, I'm just saying." Austin says with a shrug.

"You guys don't look to be getting much done." Chris calls down from the ladder.

"Watch this." Tim whispers to Adam and Austin.

"I know. But we're talking about sex." Tim smiles as he rolls his chair toward the house, looking up at his boyfriend with a flirting smile.

"What!?" Avi laughs and looks at Chris.

"Oh, Lord." Chris chuckles, shaking his head.

"And how much I love having a certain cowboy make love to me." Tim says, biting his bottom lip as his eyes meet Chris's.

"Holy Moly." Avi whispers as he looks around at Chris, He notices Chris's breathing was becoming rapid as he stares down at his lover.

He reaches over and takes the hammer from Chris.

"Go on, I got this." Avi chuckles.

As Chris begins to make his way down the ladder, Tim quickly heads back over to giggling Adam and Austin.

"If you want that special connection that lovers have, that special bond. I say go for it." Tim whispers as he hands the flowers to Adam. "Just remember to relax and enjoy the feeling."

Adam smiles and gives Tim a quick nod.

"Both Avi and Chance know that neither of you has ever been with anyone so they will be a gentle as possible." Tim smiles and winks as he turns around to go meet his waiting lover.

"So, you really going through with it?" Austin asks as he sees Adam watching Avi's every move.

"Yeah, are you?" Adam asks, looking around at Austin.

"Yeah, I think so. Just a little nervous, though." Austin answers.

"Yeah, me too. But Tim is right. They'll be gentle with us." Adam says with a nod. 

"Yeah, and they'll show us what to do." Austin adds.

"Yeah." Adam says.

They look at each other and begin to giggle as they return to planting the flowers.



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