Chapter 16

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Avi and Adam cuddle together on Avi's bed watching a movie. Their relationship has gotten sweeter and sweeter as days go by.

Avi is really interested in the movie they were watching until he hears something that distracts him. He furrows his brows and tilts his head, listening.

"What's wrong?" Adam asks, raising his head from Avi's shoulder.

"What's that noise?" Avi asks.

"What noise?" Adam asks, sitting up. "I didn't hear anything."

"It sounded like a moan or something." Avi says as he pauses the movie.

"Oh, That." Adam smiles. "Your bedroom is right above Chris and Tim's."

"And?" Avi asks, furrowing his brows again.

"Sometimes Tim gets a little loud when they having sex." Adam chuckles lightly. "Tim's voice tends to carry."

"I don't believe you." Avi smiles.

"I'm serious." Adam laughs.

Avi starts to get out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Adam asks.

"I'm going to go check." Avi tells him.

"Seriously?" Adam giggles as he gets up from the bed.

"Yep." Avi smiles, taking Adam by the hand and heads out of their room. 

As they start down the hall and as they pass by Austin's room, the door suddenly swings open.

A very annoyed looking Austin glares at them.

"Would y'all PLEASE tell Tim to shut up! Some of us are trying to sleep." Austin growls before slamming the door.

Avi and Adam give each other puzzled glances.

They go down the stairs and walk up to the closed bedroom door.

Avi carefully puts his ear to the door and listens. He hears the television but nothing more.

"What do you hear?" Adam whispers.

"Ghost Adventures." Avi smiles.

Avi takes a deep breath and then knocks on the door.

Almost immediately, Chris answers "Yeah?"

"Is it safe to come in?" Avi asks through the door.

"Uh, Yeah." Chris answers as in a question.

Avi slowly opens the door and peeks in.

Chris was laying on top of the covers, wearing jogging pants and no shirt. The t.v. remote in his hand as he flips through the channels.

Tim was sitting beside him, wearing a tee shirt with the covers pulled up to his waist. In his hands was a book and he was wearing the new glasses that Chris had bought him.

"Uh, Hey." Avi says shyly as he slowly walks into the room with Adam slipping quietly in behind me.

"Something wrong?" Chris asks, Tim looks up from his book.

"Uhhhh." Avi says, trying to think of something quickly.

"If y'all are gonna have sex every night, you need to pad your room." Adam says with a smirk.

Tim and Chris look at each other and then back to Adam.

"What?" They ask in unison.

"Tim's moaning is keeping everyone awake." Adam states with a chuckle.

"But... We weren't doing anything." Tim says as he takes off his glasses and lays down his book.

"Y'all weren't just now.." Avi asks with a confused look on his face.

"No." Chris says, shaking his head.

"Wait. Y'all was hearing moaning?" Tim asks.

"Yea, and since you guys room is right under mine we thought it was you." Avi says as he sits down at the foot of the bed.

"Y'all sure? You sure you ain't just playing with us?" Adam asks as he reaches for the blankets that covered Tim.

Adam jerks the covers back revealing Tim in his boxers.

"Happy?" Tim asks with a raised brow. 

"Well." Adam shrugs. "He could have been..."

"Adam." Tim interrupts him. "I swear, we weren't doing anything." He answers honestly.

"I clearly heard moaning right before we came down here so if it wasn't y'all then who was it?" Avi asks.

"Maybe it was the television." Tim shrugs.

"Could have been. I was watching that 'Ghost Adventure' show." Chris says. "But I didn't think I had it that loud."

"No, I don't think it was the t.v., cause I paused the movie we were watching and we didn't hear it." Avi says.

"It even woke Austin up." Adam added, sitting down next to Tim.

"Pfff, you sure it wasn't him. He tends to do crap like that to make someone else look crazy." Tim says, rolling his eyes.

"No, it wasn't Austin. It was a more deeper tone." Avi says.

"Maybe Chance was having a very excitable dream." Tim shrugs with a smirk.

"Ewwwww." Adam giggles, laying down across Tim's legs. "Hey, I got an idea."

"What's that?" Chris asks with a smile as he watches Tim fix Adam's ponytail that was becoming loose. He loves that the two had gotten so close since they all moved in together.

"I think that the four of us should go on a double date. Tim and I never get to go anywhere." Adam says with a pout.

"That's true. I don't even know what the world looks like pass our sidewalk." Tim nods sadly.

"That sounds like a great idea." Chris smiles as he brushes back Tim's hair. "What do you think, Avi?"

"I'd love too. Sounds fun." Avi smiles at Adam.

Adam giggles and turns around to give Tim a high-five.

A loud bang on the bedroom door causes the four to jump, a few cuss words slipped.

"What?" Chris calls out with a laugh.

The door swings open revealing three very irritable men.

"Tim! Chris! Will you two stop screwing!!!" Austin says in an angry voice.

"But we're not doing anything." Tim laughs, shaking his head.

"What are y'all doing, watching?" Chance asks Avi and Adam with furrowed brows.

"Uh, no." Avi answers.

"Ewww, that's nasty, Chance." Adam laughs.

"Wait. I don't understand." Rob says, staring at the four sitting on the bed. "We clearly heard y'all having sex." Rob says with confusion on his face.

"We heard moaning too and came down here to check. But it wasn't them." Avi says.

"That's weird." Rob says as if deep in thought.

"Weird, Hell, it's creepy." Tim says. 

"For real..doe, there is someone having sex in this house and it's not any of us." Austin says with frightened eyes.



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