Chapter 49

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They had spent most of the day riding rides, shopping and seeing shows. They decided to stop at a little cafe for a bite to eat.

"Have you looked in the bag yet to see what's in there?" Chris asks as they sat down at a table.

"What bag?" Tim asks.

"The bag that Reverend Alda gave us." Chris answers.

"Oh, I forgot." Tim says as he reaches and gets the gift bag out of the pocket of his chair. "Let's see." He puts on his glass as he looks into the bag. Pulling out a booklet. "Looks like a booklet of coupons. Discounts on admissions to the park, discounts and buy one get one free on meals at restaurants inside the park."

"Wow, that's pretty neat." Chance smiles.

Chris pulls an envelope out of the bag and opens it. A smile comes across his face as he reads it.

"What's that, Chris?" Adam asks.

"Well, looks like we won't be having to spend our honeymoon night at home after all." Chris chuckles.

"Really? Why?" Tim asks.

"This says we have a three-night stay in the honeymoon suite at the Regancy." Chris reads.

"The Regancy? Are you kidding?" Rob asks.

"Is that a nice place?" Tim asks.

"Nice ain't the word for it, Tim. It's amazing." Kelsey smiles. "A very high dollar hotel."

"Only the rich can afford to stay there." Chance says.

"Well, aren't we special." Tim smiles. "Honeymoon suite, too? Hell yeah." He laughs and gives Chris a high-five.

"What are the dates?" Avi asks.

"Tomorrow night and the two nights after." Chris answers. "Good. That'll give us time to pack."

"I've never stayed in a hotel before. As a matter of fact, I haven't been away from the house over night, I don't think." Tim comments. "I'm excited."

"Me too. I want to get you in the hot tub." Chris smiles as he leans over and kisses his husband softly. "With champagne and chocolate covered strawberries."

"Hmmm, can't wait." Tim says softly.

"Alright, you two. Let's not start the honeymoon right now, okay?" Rob laughs.

After a long but fun day at the park, they head home so Chris and Tim can pack.

"You wouldn't believe how excited I am." Tim says as he folds and packs the clothes that Chris hands him. "It's like we're going on vacation for the first time but with a lot of sex."

"You sound pretty happy." Chris smiles as he sits down on the bed.

"I am. This has been the best day of my life, Chris." Tim smiles as he takes Chris's hand. "I can't believe we are actually married. You're my husband. I'm Tim Rupp. I've waited so long for that."

"And you make me very happy, Beautiful." Chris says as he kisses Tim's cheek. "I love you so much."

"And I love you." Tim smiles, tears glistening in his eyes. "My very handsome husband."

"You tired?" Chris asks as he brushes Tim's hair back behind his ear.

"As a matter of fact, I'm exhausted." Tim says with a sigh.

"Let's go to bed, get a good night sleep and we'll finish packing in the morning." Chris says as he moves the suitcases off the bed.

"No sex?" Tim asks with a raised brow.

"Nope. No sex. You'll need your strength for tomorrow night." Chris smirks.

"For once, I think I'm too tired for sex anyway." Tim yawns.

"I think that's the first time I've ever heard you say that." Chris chuckles as he starts to help Tim get ready for bed.

"Probably will be the only time too." Tim smiles.

Chris wakes up the next and opens his eyes to find two brown eyes watching him.

"That's creepy." Chris chuckles.

"What?" Tim smiles. "I love watching you sleep."

"You ready to eat some breakfast? Then we'll finish packing and get on the road." Chris says as he kisses Tim softly.

"I need to take a bath." Tim says.

"Okay." Chris says as he gets out of bed and gets Tim's chair. "I'll help you get in the tub then I'll go start breakfast while you're taking a bath."

Chris gets Tim out of bed and sits him in his chair. While the tub is filling he helps his husband get undressed and into the tub.

"I'll check back on you in a little bit." Chris smiles as he leaves the bathroom.

Chris soon returned to help Tim out of the tub and to get dressed. They both dressed in nice clothes. They didn't want to stick out too bad at this fancy hotel.

Both were dressed in jeans and a dress shirt. Chris was wearing a suit jacket where Tim was wearing a leather blazer.

"Wow, don't yall look nice." Avi smiles when they exit their bedroom.

"We didn't want to look like a couple of hillbillies." Tim chuckles.

"You both are very handsome." Adam says.

"Thanks." Chris smiles as he pushes Tim up to the table. "Let's eat a quick bite then load the suitcases and we'll be on our way."


"I'm going to miss you." Austin says as he hugs Tim's neck.

"It's only for three days, Kiddo." Tim smiles as he returns the hug.

"Yeah, but when was the last time the three of us have been away from each other that long?" Adam asks as he takes his turn hugging his now brother-in-law.

"I don't think we ever have. I'm going to miss you guys too." Tim smiles as he squeezes their hands.

"You ready, Baby?" Chris asks as he leans over, kissing his husband's cheek.

"Yeah." Tim nods. "You two be good."

"We will." Austin smiles.

"Y'all have fun." Adam says.

"Oh, we will." Chris says with a smirk as he hugs his younger brother.

"Bye, guys." Tim waves as Chris locks his chair into position in the van.

"You alright." Chris smiles as he reaches between the seat and rubs Tim on his leg as they pull out of the driveway.

"Yeah." Tim answers softly. "I'm just going to miss them."

"We can go back if you want? I can cancel the reservations." Chris smirks as he watches Tim through the review mirror.

"WHAT??!!" Tim's eyes widen as he meets Chris's eyes in the mirror. "ARE YOU NUTS!? This is our honeymoon! We have three days of lovemaking in a honeymoon suite."

"Maybe I should have gotten some Viagra." Chris says with a chuckle.

"Probably should have. You're going to need it." Tim laughs.



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