You're Different (Demi Lovato fanfic)

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{Demi's P.O.V}

I had just finished my last show of this year's tour. I am dead tired but still so pumped up. I can hear my Lovatics screaming my name,demanding an encore. Should I go up & do one more song? Yeah, I should. I jumped back onto the stage & sang an old classic, Don't Forget. My Lovatics went wild!

"Goodnight everybody!" I said into the mic as I left the stage. "Demi! Over here!" my manager shouted. "What's up?" I asked & drank some water. "The winner of the contest has just been released.," she smiled. "Contest? What contest?" I asked.

"The contest where we select a Lovatic to stay with you for a few months based on their essays on how you changed their lives," My manager. "Oh yeah," I smiled, " Who won?," "I'll let you know soon," she smiled.

{Gabriella's P.O.V}

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed. "What? What happened?" My sisters, Belinda & Emily, asked as they rushed to my room. "I WON! I FREAKIN' WON! I GET TO SPEND THE ENTIRE MONTH WITH DEMI LOVATO!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. They screamed & ran towards me & hugged me tightly. "Does this mean you have to fly out to L.A?" Bel asked. I nodded. "Take loads of pics, okay?" Emily smiled. I only have 3 days to pack a month's worth of stuff. I better get started...

{Demi's P.O.V}

My team sent me an email saying that a 13 year old girl called Gabriella won the contest. They also emailed me her Twitter & Instagram usernames. I went to check her out. If she's gonna live with me for a month, she better not be into drugs or booze or anything.

I saw her Instagram first. I saw pictures of myself on her page. I saw one caption that stood out the most, "This is the woman who convinced me to throw away my blades. I love you @ddlovato. You're a lifesaver," That just brought me to tears.

I scrolled down even more until I saw a selfie. She had tan skin, medium-length brown hair & she wore glasses. The caption she posted with the selfie was just sad, "No one will ever love a freak like me," I scrolled down even more until I saw a picture that caught my attention. Gabriella's wrist was cut,slit, bleeding & the bloody blade was in her hand. The caption was, "My dark paradise.".

I need to meet this girl now. I need to know her story...

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