You're Different (Chapter 29)

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{Demi's P.O.V}

"Lift up your shirt," I instructed. She slowly took off her shirt, exposing all of the bruises on her body. "Oh baby, I'm so sorry," I said, wanting to cry.

"Don't be darling, you didn't do this to me, he did," she sighed. "He um...he also hurt my wrists & his nails opened up my scars,"

"What?" I asked. She showed me her wrists. Her scars we opened up & there was dried blood on her wrist. It looked painful. "Oh my... Gab, I am so sorry," I said.

"Don't be. It wasn't your fault. It's mine. I didn't know when to shut up & I got him mad," she said. She looked at me & smiled but I could see the pain in her eyes. She is was in incredible pain; physically & emotionally.

She pulled me in for a hug & then.immediately pushed me back. "What happened?" I asked. "It just...hurts," she replied.

"How about this....You go up to your room, switch on the TV, get comfy & I'll bring you a cup of tea?" I asked.

"Can we talk & do each other's nails?" she asked. I smiled & nodded.

{Gaby's P.O.V}

I went up to my room, took out my nailpolish, sat the bed, switched on the TV & got confortable. Moments later, Demi came in with a cup of tea.

"Thank you," I said, taking the cup from her. She sat on the bed & looked through my nailpolish collection. " many bottles do you have?" she giggled. "Four...maybe five hundred," I replied.

"Wait, what?" she asked in disbelief. "I'm just kidding. I've only got 74 bottles," I smiled. "But that's still a huge number of bottles to have," she smiled. "Naaahhh, not really," I laughed.

Demi picked out this neon pink shade which I really loved & she asked me to stick my left hand out. "So tell me more about about your life because I have a feeling that Brian knows more about you than I do," she laughed.

"Haha, ok. What do you wanna know?" I asked. "Um...what clubs were you in, like, in school?" she asked. "Oh, I was in the drama club," I replied.

"Did you like it?" she asked. "Oh yeah. Acting's been a huge passion of mine but I just felt a little like an outcast in the drama club," I sighed.

"Why?" she asked. "I don't know. I just felt like I was different...too different. I was either too perky or too quiet. I was never normal," I said.

"Good. Don't be normal. Normal's boring," she said as she pointed at my face with the nail polish brush. I just coughed because the smell of the chemical was really strong & was really close to my face.

"Oops, sorry," she said. "Naaahh, no biggie," I laughed.

*A couple of weeks later*

Well, it's officially 2014. The month of January is coming to an end & that means I only have 5 & half more months with Demi. Ugh! Why does time have to fly by so fast?

My sisters are still here. They'll be leaving in 2 weeks. "So Gab, have you made a police report yet?" Emily asked. "Report? For what?" I asked.

"You know...Jake..." she said. "Oh...maybe we could do it today?" I asked, looking at Demi. "Sure. I mean, we can't just let him get away with this," Demi said. I looked at Brian & he just continued to stare at the TV.

"Babe?" I asked. "Hmmm?" he said. "Weren't you paying attention? I asked. "Yeah, you guys wanna file a report against my brother," he said without taking his gaze off of the TV.

"I know he's your brother & that you're against it but..." "No, who said I was against it?" he laughed. "Babe, I'm not joking, we're seriously gonna do it," I said.

"Go for it. He needs to pay for what he's done," he said with a straight face. "Ok then," I said.

*An hour later*

"And he had brown hair & a mole near his lip," I described to the police officer. We're at the police station without Brian because he didn't want his brother to know that he was responsible for him possibly being thrown into jail.

"Uh huh...ok...Um...Ms. Lovato. Didn't you & your sister make a report just two months ago?" The officer asked. "Yes why?" Demi asked.

"Well the description that this young lady has given us matches the one which your sister has given us. I believe of the gang which brutally beat her up," the officer said. 

"Wait...what?! Are you serious?" Demi asked.

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