You're Different (Chapter 43)

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{Gaby's P.O.V}

"I promise"

"Well," Demi started, " The thing is...," & out of no where, I see silly string being sprayed all over my face. Demi was laughing her ass off while spraying silly string on me.

"I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled as I got up & chased her around the breakfast lobby but we stopped by a man telling us that 'running is not allowed in the breakfast lobby'

"You're lucky," I said. "Why?" she questioned. "'Cause I could've whooped your sorry ass by now!" I chuckled. "Oh really now?" she laughed.

Just then, Demi's manager told us to get our bags & leave for the airport.

*Time Skip*

I'm on the plane, sitting next to Demi while Brian's next to Lauren from Fifth Harmony. I'm not jealous or hating but why sit next to Lauren? I mean, why couldn't he have sat next to Nick? I wouldn't even mind if he sat next to Perrie from Little Mix 'cause she's engaged.

Today's their last show on the Neon Lights Tour & I really am devestated. I'll miss hanging out with all of the girls, Demi's make up crew & Nick. Oh sweet, troubled little Nick. He has to tell Demi how he feels about her sooner or later.

*A few hours later*

"Gaby. Gaby, Get up," I heard Demi whisper. I looked up & saw that I was asleep on her shoulder. "Oh sorry," I apologised. "Nah, it's alright," she smiled. "Did I, a lot?" I asked. "Honestly, yes," she replied. "Oh gosh," I sighed as I face-palmed myself. Demi just laughed in response.

*At the soundcheck*

I was sitting backstage with the girls while Demi was answering questions. I just wanted to spend my last night on tour with the girls. Just then, I started to feel sick.

My stomach hurt & I felt like I was going to hurl. I covered my mouth with my hand & tried not to puke. "Gab, you ok?" Camilla asked. I shook my head & ran straight to the restroom with Camilla following behind.

I ran into a cubicle & tried to let it out but nothing came out. Nothing at all but I still felt sick. "Don't force it out. Control yourself," I heard Camilla say. I took in a deep breath & stood up to compose myself.

"Are you ok? Did you eat any, like, bad eggs for breakfast?" Camilla asked, rubbing my back while I stood against the sink. "I didn't even eat breakfast. I was chasing Demi around the breakfast lobby," I replied.

"Oh yeah, I saw that," she replied, "maybe it was last night's dinner?" " didn't really eat dinner last night," I said. "What do you mean by 'didn't really eat dinner'?" she questioned. "Um...I um...," I stammered.

"Gaby, did you even eat anything?" she questioned. I looked at her & she looked dead serious. I sighed & shook my head. "Why not?" she asked. I looked back down. I couldn't bear to tell her anything. Camilla's like my fun older sister. I just couldn't tell her this kind of thing.

"When was your last meal?" she asked with a softer tone. "I had an English Muffin three days ago," I mumbled. She didn't say anything. She didn't even ask me why I hadn't eaten anything. She just stood beside me & continued rubbing my back to calm me down.

"You need to eat," she said after a while. All I could do was nod in reply. Truth be told, I didn't want to eat anything. I hated myself for even taking a tiny little bite out of that little muffin. I could literally see my arms, legs, stomach & everything else getting fatter the minute I swallowed that muffin. I can't eat. Food makes you fat. Food's bad, isn't it?

"Why did I feel like hurling even though I didn't eat anything?" I asked. "It happens when your body doesn't have enough food to provide energy & it feels really weak & makes you want to puke," she replied. I looked at her & cocked an eyebrow. "My grandmother wanted me to be a doctor," she chuckled.

*time skip*

Everyone's dancing on stage with Demi while she sings Give Your Heart A Break. I can't believe that the tour is actually over. It's just so devastating.

When everyone came backstage, I pulled Lauren from 5H aside & handed her a pie. At first she thought I was crazy but after I explained my plan to her, she happily joined in.

{Demi's P.O.V}

I was talking to Marissa when out of no where, someone threw a pie at me. I could hear the girls of 5H laughing. I stood there with pie in my hair & face while everyone laughed at me. "I'm gonna kill you!" I yelled while everyone continued laughing.


Little Mix, Fifth Harmony, Gaby & I were at a restaurant to celebrate the last day of the tour & to also have our G.N.O!

(G.N.O = Girl's Night Out)

It was at dinner that I found out that it was Gaby's plan to throw that pie at me. "Karma!" she laughed while Lauren was explaining the whole thing.

After dinner, we went back to my hotel room to play some kiddy games because we we missed our childhood & were feeling really childish.

We started off with Truth or Dare. We spun the huge Coke bottle around & it landed on Perrie, "Truth,"

"Will you & your fiancé 'do it' on your wedding night?" Jade asked. Like I said, we were feeling childish & immature but we were having fun. Perrie looked down on the ground & gave a small nod. The room was filled with Ooooohhhs & Aaaaaaahs.

Sooner or later, the bottle landed on me. "Dare!" I yelled. "I dare you to stand on the balcony & shout 'I love Little Mix,' real loudly," Jesy laughed. I got up, ran to the balcony & screamed as loudly as possible.

I came back into the circle & spun the bottle. It landed on Gaby. "Truth," she smiled. "Oh C'mon. You're always picking Truth. You're doing a dare," I laughed evily.

"Fine," she sighed. "I dare you to sing," I smirked. "What? No way!" she yelled. "Just a few lines? It can be from any song in the world," I smiled but she continued to protest.

"Sing! Sing! Sing! Sing!" everyone chanted. "You can continue chanting but I'm not singing," she protested. "Chicken!" I said while making chicken noises. Pretty soon, everyone was making chicken noises.

Knowing that she didn't have much of a choice, she sighed, took a deep breath & sang, "Who will I be? It's up to me. All the never ending possibilities that I can't see. There's nothing that I can't do. Who will I be? Yes, I believe, I get to make the future what I want to. If I can become anyone you know the choice is up to me. Who will I be?"

Everyone was clapping & cheering once she was done. "Why are you clapping? I'm tone-deaf," she questioned. "It's called being supportive, love," Jesy chuckled. "Guys, it's 2:37am. We have to get up at 5. We better go to bed," Camilla said.

We said our goodbyes & goodnights & went to sleep. Once I was all alone, I changed into some simple cotton PJs, threw myself onto the bed & was out like a light.

You're Different (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now