You're Different (Chapter 50)

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{Demi's P.O.V}

The doctors chased me out of the room so that they could do a check up on her. I was sitting outside the ward, praying, forever grateful that she was alive. Everyone else had left so I was the only person there for Gaby.

Moments later, the doctor came out of her private ward. "Well?" I asked. "She complained of severe chest pains so we'll have to keep her here overnight so we can perform a check up for her in the morning" she replied

I nearly broke down into tears, "Can I stay with her?" "Yes, of course," he replied, "You can see her now. I'll just call my nurses out," she opened the door & signalled for her nurses to leave so that I could enter.

I entered the room to see her asleep with a thousand wires attached to her body. Her skin was pale. Her lips were chapped. Her brown hair didn't look brown anymore. She looked terrible.

I held my hand over my mouth & started sobbing. This is not how her story is supposed to end. I was supposed to help her & look at where she is now. My mouth was now covered with both of my hands as my face turned red & tensed up & I cried even more.

I heard her groan & her eyes opened, "Don't cry," "You're awake!" I sniffed. "Yeah," she was clearly very weak. "I'm glad you're ok. The doctor's gonna keep you here overnight so that they can perform a test tommorow," I spoke.

"Yeah, I know. She told me before she left the room," she sighed. "I am so sorry," I mumbled. "Don't be. It's not your fault. It's mine," she whimpered. "No, it's not," I replied.

"Yes it is," she replied, "Things would've been better if I was never b-" There was a knock at the door.

We turned our heads towards the door & saw Hannah standing there with a Get Well Soon teddy bear, "Hey, can I come in?" "Sure. Come here," Gaby smiled as she slowly patted a corner of the bed.

"I heard what happened. You ok?" Hannah asked her. She shook her head in response. "I am so sorry," Hannah sighed.

"I just wanted to tell you that there was a reason you survived; because your journey here isn't over," Hannah smiled, "You have so much more to accomplish in life. You're a smart, lovely, funny, beau-"

"Why didn't you tell me all of this before I tried to take my own life? Don't you think if you had said those things to me while I was alive, I wouldn't have tried to take my life?" Gaby snapped.

"Well I'm sorry but I never knew you were suicidal," Hannah replied. "That's because you never knew me at all!" Gaby snapped. "Yeah, I never did know you. I only knew you as the UGLY LOSER IN THE CORNER WHO LOOKED LIKE A FOOL TALKING TO HERSELF BECAUSE SHE HAD NO FRIENDS!" Hannah yelled.

{Gaby's P.O.V}

I had tears pooling in my eyes. I thought she was my friend. This is why I don't trust people.

"Oh my gosh!" she gasped, "I am so sorry. I didn't mea-" "Nah, it's alright," I replied. "No it's not. I-"  "No, seriously. It's alright," I smiled.

I lied. It wasn't alright. I was just a pity-friend or maybe just an aquaintence. Now I knew what she really thought of me but I just smiled & 'forgave her' Y'know, I should be a f***ing actress since I'm so good at pretending to be happy. I should be given an Oscar!

"It's really late. You should be getting back home," I suggested. "No, I wanna stay with you & Demi," she replied. "Do you have to work tommorow?" I questioned & she nodded in response. "Then you should probably rest up for work tommorow," I spoke.

"Ok. Bye guys. Take care," she sighed as she stood up from the bed. "Hey," I held her hand, " Sorry for snapping at you earlier. I take it all back," I apologized. "Nah, it's no big deal. Take care, ok?" she smiled as she left the room.

"Wow. Gaby apologising? A round of applause, Ladies & Gentlemen!" Demi sarcastically stated. I rolled my eyes at her & let out a light chuckle. "Go get some rest ok?" she smiled, "we'll talk tommorow,"

"Goodnight," I smiled. "It's 4:27am actually," she replied. "Well, Good Morning! Now, let me sleep!" I chuckled before drifting off to sleep.

*3 days later*

{Demi's P.O.V}

"Home Sweet Hooooomeeeeeee!" I yelled as we returned home. Gaby chuckled behind me, "Aren't you tired?" I shook my head in response. "Well I am, I'm gonna take a nap," she replied.

"Wait, I wanna tell you something first," she stopped, "Do you ever feel like your dad is trying to, ya know, help you when you're doing something wrong?"

"W-Why?" I questioned. "'Cause when I was in the hospital, nearly dying, I heard my dad talking to me," she said. "What'd he say?" I asked.

"He told me not to give up. He said, ' Don't do this, Darlin'. I know I can't physically be there with you but I want you to know that I'll always be watching over you & I want you to know that I have seen you in misery & it makes me feel terrible that I can't be there with you.

Please stay strong, bud. You've got a magnificent adventure ahead of you. Don't cut it short,'"

I was practically bawling right there & then. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-" "No, it-it's alright," I smiled, "I'm glad you got to talk to your dad again,"

She smiled, "'m gonna take a nap now. We'll catch up later, ok? Sorry I ruined the last day of your tour," "It's no big deal," I chuckled. She turned around & trotted up the stairs.



HOLY SMACK MY ASS & CALL ME PAUL! This book has 50 chapters! 50!

Anyway, I just wanted you guys to know that Gaby is a representation of all of us even though not all of us have the same problems she does but we can always find comfort in Demi & her music.

Anyway, comment your feedback on the chapter & vote. Thanks :)

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