You're Different (Chapter 14)

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{Gaby's P.O.V}

I woke up to find Brian lying behind me with his arm wrapped around my waist as yesterday's events started flooding back. I tried to get up to go to the bathroom but I couldn't. His grip on me was too strong. I tried to use my arms to push his arm away but nothing.

"Trying to escape?" Brian whispered. His morning voice was all groggy but kinda sexy. "No, but I need to brush my teeth," I replied. "Why?" he whined. "Do you want to smell my morning breath? It smells like dinosaurs," I asked.

"Alright. Alright. Go & brush your teeth" he said as he let me go. I went to brush my teeth & meet Brian back in my room. "Do you have any mouth wash?" He asked. "Yeah. Citrus or Minty?" I asked. "Minty," he smiled. I handed him the mouthwash & quickly changed into my purple sweats & white top.

"Brian! What's taking you so long?" I asked. "Relax. A guy's gotta take a wazz," I heard him yell. "Sorry," I yelled back.

I stood in front of my mirror & examined myself. The acne on my oily, shiny face. My crooked teeth. My chipped tooth. The big arms, waist, stomach & thighs. My tummy wasn't flat like everyone else's. It was basically 3D.

I stood there looking at all the pores on my face when I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist. "Morning, beautiful," Brian smiled. "I'm not beautiful. Don't lie to me," I sighed.

"Oh c'mon. You are," he smiled again. "No. I'm not," I replied, "You don't see me the way I see myself. You don't see my spotted face. My big, bulging thighs & my tummy. My huge, flabby arms..."

"And you don't see yourself the way I see you," he replied," I see a beautiful, flirty, funny & smart girl. She's witty. She's unique. She's sexy..." "Brian, I told you to stop lying to me. I don't like liars," I sighed.

"We all hate liars but just hear me out first, alright?" he asked. I nodded in response. He turned me around so that we could look at each other. He held my hand & brought us to the bed.

We sat down & he continued, "Sure, you're not like other girls. Sure, you've got some extra meat on your bones. So what if you don't have perfect teeth. Most of us don't. I know you didn't have the perfect childhood. I didn't either...but I like you for who you are, not what you look like.. You're such a great friend. Best friend.

I've only known you for a couple of days but I already feel such a strong connection. I know what you're going through. I've been through it too but I want you know that you're not alone. I'm with you. We'll get through this...together," he smiled as he held my right wrist up.

He brought my arm closer to his face & started kissing my scars. I almost burst into tears. "Thank you. That meant alot to me," I smiled, trying to blink the tears away.

"We should probably go down for breakfast before Demi comes up here," Brian smiled. I just laughed & followed him down to the dining room. "Finally! What took you so long?" Demk asked. "We were talking," I replied. "Oooohhhh! About what?" Demi smiled. "Stuff," Brian replied.

"What kind of stuff? I wanna know," Demi smiled. "I was wondering if Brian & I could hang out today since he's already here," I replied. Brian looked at me & smiled. Gosh, his smile is just too adorable! "Oh. Sure! Maybe the three of us can hang out tommorow?" Demi asked.

"Sounds fun to me," Brian replied, "So what's for breakfast?" "Oatmeal?" Demi asked. "Okay," we replied. After breakfast, Brian & I went to the park again for a walk. We enjoyed the wind blowing in our faces.

"'re from Australia...What's it like over there?" I asked. "I'm from Surfer's Paradise, Gold Coast," he replied. "I've been there before!" I replied. "Really? When?" he asked.

"My aunt, before she passed, brought my sisters & I to Surfer's Paradise. We stayed at the Holiday Inn hotel. It was best vacation I've ever had! Everyone was just so friendly! The place was beautiful...especially the beaches & I really loved Movie World! Especially the Scooby Doo roller coaster!" I squealed.

"Well then, looks like you already know alot about where I came from," he smiled. We walked even furthur until we came to a beach. We decides to just stand on the sand & let the waves wet our legs.

{Brian's P.O.V}

I looked over to Gaby. She looks so happy. Giggling away as the waves hit her legs. She's so beautiful. I wonder why she can't see that. The wind blowing blowing her hair back & the sun rays perfectly hitting her. She was glowing like the girls in the movies.

"Gabs?" I asked. "Yeah?" She replied. "What's your idea of the perfect first date?" I asked. "Ice-cream & bowling," she smiled. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah. Most girls would want a picnic date or a beach date but I prefer a bowling date because I'm not like most girls...remember?" she laughed.

I laughed. Her laugh sounded alot like Cameron Diaz's. We sat on a bench on the beach where she told me about her best friend, Sam. She told me about how Sam kept her strong with all her support.

After a couple of minutes of talking, I saw a familiar figure coming towards us. "Oh shit!" I sighed. "Well, that was polite," Gaby replied. "No, it's my brother...& his girlfriend," I sighed



Hey guys, I know I haven't done this Author's note thing before but I am now. Thank you so much for getting this book over 3K reads. I love you guys. You are Incredible. I wouldn't be anywhere without you guys.

I just sounded like a celebrity giving a speech right? Yes? That was what I was trying to do. One more thing, I know you guys are always asking me to update I'm a little busy now so if I don't update every 2 weeks time, spam my inbox. Deal? Luv yuh! Mwah! :*

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