You're Different (Chapter 25)

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{Demi's P.O.V}

I woke up at 11:34am & heard some noises coming from Gaby's room. I walk into her room to see Gaby sitting on the edge of the bed with her phone in her hand, crying.

"Gaby, what happened? Where's Brian?" I asked as I sat down beside her. "He...left. I texted him & I called him. He said that I was right when I said that the only reason I came here was to be with you & that he was ruining everything so he left," she cried.

I didn't say anything. I couldn't say anything. I just gave her a hug & let her cry. "But...he did say that he'll come to the party next week," she cried. "That's good! You get to see him again," I said, trying to cheer her up but her head was still down.

"Look, I know you really like him & I know he likes you too..." "He does?" "Yeah. I can see it. You guys are so comfortable with each other, you guys are always so happy together & I can't picture you with anyone else," I said.

She looked up & smiled at me, "Thanks Demi. You're like the big sister I've never had," "Don't you have 2 older sisters?" I asked. "They don't care about me. Trust me," she replied. "What makes you say that?" I asked. "They don't get me anything for my birthday or Christmas unless I've done something good. They're only coming over for Christmas because I won the contest to be with you," she said.

"But when we first met, you said you 'loved them with all your heart'," I said. "Yeah, 'cause I just met you. I couldn't just tell you every single thing about my life," She replied.

"But you did open up a lot," I reminded her. "Yeah, because I only tell my stories to is my diary or my books. I write stories based on what happened that day and I let out all my pain, frustration & sadness on my arms & legs," she sighed.

I pulled her in for another hug, "Don't worry. I'll be here for you. Oh, & I've got good news!" "What?" she asked. "I invited Kelly. Kelly Clarkson & she said yes. She's coming," I smiled. A huge smile appeared on her face & she hugged me again, "Thank you, Demi," "You're welcome," I said as I kissed her cheek.

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