You're Different (Chapter 28)

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{Gaby's P.O.V}

I woke up with Brian's arm around me, like it should be. It feels so good to have him back. I shook him awake & we both made our way down to the living room.

I saw Demi sitting on the couch, watching TV. "Morning," Brian smiled. "Oh, hey, you guys are finally up," she smiled back.

"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked. "Oh, I know this great place by the beach that makes the BEST smoothies. Wanna go there for breakfast?" Demi asked.

"Sure," Brian & I replied. "Great, let m just go call your sisters & then we can leave," Demi said as she got up from the couch.

{Demi's P.O.V}

I got up from the couch & went up to the third floor to find Gaby's sisters.

I opened the door only to find one of them asleep & drooling while the other one was watching TV.

"Hey, we're gonna go grab some breakfast by the beach. You wanna come along?" I asked. "Naaahhh. We're good," she replied. I just nodded my head & closed the door.

I walked down the stairs, grabbed my purse & car keys & we left. I pulled up at the beach & we went to the café.

We found a seat with an umbrella on top of it. "Ok. So what kind of smoothies do you want?" I asked. "I'll take the Strawberry one," Gaby replied. "and I'll the Chocolate one," Brian replied.

"K, strawberry & chocolate smoothies. Got it," I said as I got up from my seat & went over to the counter. About a minute later, they sent me back to my table with a little blue thing with the number 28 on it.

"'re sisters seem nice," I say, trying to start a conversation. "Nice? You have no idea how 'nice' they are," Gaby sighed.

"You don't like them?" Brian asked.

"Not's sorta like a love-hate relationship,"

"So basically, a normal relationship between sisters," I said.

"I guess. They just tend to get on my nerves alot,"

"I know how you feel. Dallas likes to irritate me...alot,"

"Who's Dallas?" Brian asked.

"Dallas is Demi's sister. How could you not know that?" Gaby asked.

I can see her inner fangirl coming out. This should be fun.

"Oh yeah," Brian said.

"'Oh yeah' or 'Oh I had no idea'," Gaby smirked.

"Has anyone ever told you that you look alot like Beyoncé?" he laughes, trying to change the subject.

"Oh really? Thanks. You too," she sarcastically replies.

Moments later the waiter arrives with our orders. He had a baseball cap on so we couldn't see his face. He places our smoothies & a plate of fries on the table.

"You ordered fries?" Brian asked & I nodded in response. "for breakfast?" Gaby asked & nodded again. As the waiter placed Gaby's smoothie down, he accidentaly knocked it down & spilled all over her.

"Shit!" she yelled. "I'm so sorry miss. I'll get you a new glass, on the house," the waiter said. "Where's the nearest restroom?" she asked.

"Those two cubicles over there," he said as he pointed towards the cubicles which were a little far away. She got up & walked towards the cubicles.

{Gaby's P.O.V}

I'm in the cubicle, staring at myself in the mirror. I had thick pink goo all over me & my clothes were getting sticky & clingy. I used the toilet paper to wipe out as much smoothie as possible off my shirt.

I got out of the cubicle & I saw the waiter standing there, like slenderman. "You scared me," I said, "You do know the male cubicle is just right beside us right?"

"Yeah but I wanted to talk to you," he replied. His voice sounded a little familier. "Me?" I said with a shaky voice.

He took off his snapback & I saw his face. It was Jake! "Jake!" I said, startled. "Look, Goob, I want you to get that twerp back home," he said.

"First, my name isn't Goob. It's Gaby. Second, what in the world are you talking about?" I questioned. "Brian is my brother, I want him back home," he gritted through his teeth.

"Why? It's not like you actually care about him, you manwhore," I said, trying to walk away but he gripped my wrist tightly.

"Ow! Let me go!" I yelled. His grip was really tight. "LISTEN TO ME, BITCH! NEVER EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN & BRIAN NEEDS TO COME HOME WITH ME!" He yelled but not loud enough for anyone to hear him.

"Why do you want him home so badly?" I asked. "I need a personal bitch to do what I say & he's the only one who'll do it without question," he replied. "What makes you think he'll go back to you? All you do is f*** little whores all day & you don't give a da** about him. You just cause him misery," I said.

He gripped my wrist even tighter & dug his nails into my skin & I felt a sharp pain. I looked down on my wrist & saw that his nails were opening up my scars. "A WHORE LIKE YOU NEEDS TO BE TAUGHT A LESSON. YOU NEED TO KNOW WHEN TO SHUT UP & STOP BEING SUCH A BITCH," he yelled as his free hand grazed my thigh.

"Wh-What are you doing?" I asked, scared of what was going to happen. "Teaching you a lesson," he smirked. He pinched my hips causing me to yelp in pain. His hand covered my mouth while his other free hand was slowly going up my blouse.

I managed to push his hand away from my mouth & scream for help but he just covered my mouth again & repeated his actions. By the time his hand got to the button of my jeans, I bit his hand causing him to yelp in pain. While he was shaking his hand in pain, I took the chance to run.

I ran back to the table with Demi & Brian & tears in my eyes. I turned around & noticed that Jake had dissappeared. "Gaby, what happened?" Demi asked. I just started bawling & hugged Demi like a frightened child, "Take me home, please!"

Not wanting to cause a scene, we quickly got into her car & she drove back to her place. Once we got back to her place, I hugged Demi & started crying again. "Babe, what happened?" Brian asked. "It's Jake," I cried.

"Who's Jake?" Demi asked. "My brother," Brian sighed. "What'd he do?" Demi asked. "He kinda raped me," I cried. "Kinda?" Demi asked in a serious & angry tone. "Yeah, basically from the waist up," I cried.

A couple of moments later, my sisters came down & saw me crying. "Gaby! What happened?" Emily asked. "Bubby! I've been violated," I cried as I ran to her for a hug. Bubby is a nickname I gave her a couple of years later. I know I say that my sisters are terrible but it's moments like these where I need them the most.

Belinda, Emily, Demi & Brian were hugging me, trying to calm me down but it took forever. You can't just calm down immediately after such an incident. "I'm really sorry. It's all my fault. If only I stayed at home," Brian sighed.

"No, it's not your fault. It was mine. I was the one who got him mad," I sniffed. Demi was sitting beside me with her arms wrapped around me, comforting me, "It's nobody's fault but his. He's just such an ass,"

"Gaby, do you want do drink some tea or anything? You've been shaking for the past hour," Belinda asked. I shook my head in response.

Everytime I blink, the incident replays in my head & I just want to cry. I came here to spend 7 months with Demi, not go through all of this. A month has already ended & I've hardly done anything with Demi. I'm not blaming Brian or anything but I'm just a little shaken up right now & I don't really know what I'm saying.

"My body hurts," I spoke up. "Why? Did he hurt you?" Demi asked. I nodded my head & tears started to pool in my eyes. She grabbed my hand & took me to her room.

You're Different (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now