You're Different (Chapter 36)

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*Next Day*

{Demi's P.O.V}

"Bye Demi, Thanks for everything. Love you," Hannah said as she gave me a hug. "Love you too," I smiled as I gave her a hug. She got into a cab & drove off

*A few weeks later*

It's already March & nothing new has happened...oh wait...I shaved the side of my head. I think I look freakin' badass. If people don't like it, IDGAF!

I was at the arena, doing my soundcheck & talking to some of my fans. My Lovatics make me smile; I don't know where I'd be without them.

After the soundcheck, I sat down with Nick to just have a little chat, "Nick, I'm gonna tell you a secret but you have to promise not to tell anyone," "Promise" He replied. "'s about Gaby," I sighed. "What about her?" Nick asked.

"It's just that...I don't think she was supposed to win the contest. I mean...while she was here, she got into a relationship, brought her sisters over for two weeks. Next thing you know, she'll invite her best friends on the tour with me! I mean, maybe someone else should've won the contest. It's like everything about her! I really wish someone else won the contest," I sighed.

Just as I finished my rant, I heard crying & footsteps indicating someone running away. Oh no; what have I done?

I've been calling Gaby non-stop & I've looked everywhere but nothing. I feel terrible, like a huge wave of guilt just washed over me. I went to the park where I just rest for a sec & then go back to looking for her. When I got to the park, I saw her! She was at the park at the whole time!

She was crying her eyes out. Seeing her like that made me feel so much pain & guilt. I walked up to her & stood behind her, " Hey, can we talk?" "Go away!"she cried. "No, I'm not going anywhere until we talk about it," I said. "Well, I don't want to talk about it!" she argued.

"Look, I didn't mean anything I sa..." "No one ever means it. They just say it without realising what they're saying!" she sniffed. "Look, Gaby, I'm sorry, I really am," I sighed as I sat on the park bench with me. "No! Don't come near me! Go away!" she said as she pushed me away. I grabbed her hand & saw that it was covered in blood.

"Gaby...have yo..." "Yeah, so what? What else do I have to lose?" she asked with an angry tone. "Why? You were clean for three months....and in public....why would you...?" I asked. "I don't care anymore. I just don't. I don't wanna be here any more," she said emotionlessly.

I saw a broken shard of glass in her hand & shards of glass surrounding her feet. "Where did all the glass come from?" I asked. "Vodka...4 bottles of vodka....from that couple camping over there," She said as she pointed to a couple making out in a tent.

"Wait...did you drink all of that vodka, break all of the bottles & cut yourself with the shards?" I asked. She nodded in reply, still not looking at me. "Gab, you need help. You can't keep going on like this," I said. "Why do you care? You wanted someone else to win the contest. Do you think I planned to meet Brian & start a relationship with him while I was in L.A? And my sisters? It was your idea to invite them!" She yelled.

Her gaze was still on her bloody arm. She wouldn't stop staring at it. "Gab..." I sighed. "What?" she snorted. "You need to come back. I need you back. You make me smile. You are literally the funniest person I know," I said. "Don't lie to me, Demi," she sighed.

"Gab, you need help. You can't spend the rest of your life like this. Imagine what your future husband & kids will think..." "What makes you think I'll live long enough to actually have my own family?"  she whispered-asked.

"!" I said. She didn't say anything & remained stationary. "Gab...look at me!" I said. She looked up at me. Her eyes were bloodshot red from all the Vodka she had drunk. "You need help" I said. "Stop saying that! No one will understand. No one will be able to help!" she yelled.

"I used to feel the same thing but I got help & look at me now!" I smiled. "A girl with really bad dyed hair?" She asked. "Dude!" I yelled. "Sorry," she sighed.

"What I'm trying to say is...I love you so much. You make me smile & make all my troubles go away. I love you more than words can say. You mean the world to me. I don't know where I'd be without you. I love you with all of my heart. I hate seeing you upset. I can't stand to see you like that. I will always be there for you. I promise. Please don't hurt yourself. You are wonderful,perfect, amazing & my whole world. I love you so so so much," I smiled.

"I love you Demi!" Gaby said as she burst into tears & threw herself into my arms.



This chapter is dedicated to my best friends; Sam & Rosangel. They mean the world to me & I will do anything to prove it. They've been with me since I was struggling with Depression up till now where I am done with Recovery & a stronger person. These two girls are my angels. I love them with all of heart, Forever & Always.

Comment feedback on the chapter & ways on how I can make it better :)

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