You're Different (Chapter 33)

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{Gaby's P.O.V}

I went down to the living room to give my sisters a piece of my mind. "Alright, I've been nothing but nice to you guys & what do you do? Treat me like crap! If you don't like me, if you think I'm annoying or whatever just...leave. If you're not gonna act like my sisters, then just leave me alone,"

They just stared at me. They just sat there with their jaws on the ground & stared at me. "I....We're sorry. We were just joking around; we didn't know we were upsetting you," Belinda said as she got up from the couch, "We'll stop teasing you,". She came towards me & gave me a hug, followed by Emily.

"Do you wanna go out tommorrow? Just the three of us?" Emily asked. I looked at Demi. "Sure, go ahead," she smiled. I smiled back & thanked her.

*A few weeks later*

It's 8:30am. The Neon Lights Tour has already started & it's been incredible. I snuck into Demi's hotel room & started jumping on her bed, "Wake up Demi! Wake up! Wake up!"

"Mmm...What is it?" she said in a groggy voice. "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!" I yelled as I handed a box. "Awww, you didn't..." "Yes, I did," I smiled, "open it,". She unwrapped the box in a speed that was painfully slow.

"Oh My Gosh! Hurry up, woman!" I whined. "Never EVER call me woman," she said. She unwrapped it & opened the lid. "Oh my gosh! This is so cool!" she yelled. "You like it?" I asked. "I love it!" She yelled as she gave me a hug.

I gave her a bracelet with her initials engraved in one of it's charms. "This must've been really expensive," she said. "Demi, it's the thought that counts, not the price," I smiled. "You're right. Thank you, I love you," she smiled as she pulled me in for another hug.

"I love you too, Demi," I smiled as I hugged her. "When did you buy this?" she asked. "When I went out with my sisters last month," I replied. "Did you get anything for them? What about Brian?" she asked. "Don't worry about them, just enjoy your gift," I smiled.

I went back to my room to see that Brian was still asleep. Brian & I share one room. My sisters have already gone home so it's just the three of us again. I crawled onto the bed & kissed him on the cheek & with that, he woke up.

"Morning, Beautiful," he smiled. I swear, his cute Australian accent gets extremely sexy when he talks in his groggy morning voice. "Morning. Happy Valentine's Day, babe," I smiled. "It's Valentine's Day, already?" he asked. "You forgot?" I asked. "No, I didn't babe," he smiled.

"I got you something," I smiled as I checked under the bed for his gift. "Aww babe, you didn't need to get me anything," he said. "Too late, I already did," I smiled as I handed him his gift.

He opened it up & his jaw fell to the ground," Oh my gosh!" "You like it?" I asked. "Babe, it's amazing! How did you know I love Vans sneakers?" he asked. "You wear them all the time, " I smiled. "Thank you baby, I love you," he said as he kissed my cheek. "Love you too," I replied.

We got dressed & went to the event hall for breakfast. I saw Demi there, taking some eggs. "Hey Demz," I smiled. "Hey," she smiled back. "I see someone's liking their valentine's day present," I said, pointing to her bracelet. "Yeah, I really like it. Thank you so much," she smiled. "You're welcome," I replied.

After breakfast, we went to the arena for Demi's rehersal & soundcheck for today's show. "Would it make you feel better to watch me while I bleed?" she sang. Brian & I stood backstage & I sang along. I knew all the words to all of her songs.

When she started singing Believe In Me, I almost broke down. This song means so much to me. While singing along to the chorus, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around & saw Nick Jonas. "Hey, you sound good," he smiled.

"," I blushed. I'm tonedeaf so I have no idea why he said that. "Are you the girl that won the contest?" he asked. "Yeah; I'm Gaby," I smiled. "Nick," he smiled back, "and you are...?" he asked looking at Brian.

"A friend of Gaby's," Brian replied. "Oh, Demi & I made plans for lunch later. You guys wanna join us?" Nick asked. "Sure," I smiled. I was internally screaming.

After the soundcheck, the four of us went to McDonalds for lunch. "So, how's living with Demi so far?" Nick asked me. "It's good. It's really fun," I replied. "Um...Gaby, I need to go to the washroom, mind following me?" Demi asked. "Um...sure," I said as I got & went to the bathroom with Demi.

{Brian's P.O.V}

"So, Brian. What's really going on with you & Gaby?" Nick asked. "Wait...what?" I asked. "I know there's something going on between you guys...& it's Valentine's Day," he smirked. "I know," I sighed as I hung my head. "You didn't get her anything, did you?" he asked. "Yeah...and she's my girlfriend," I panicked.

"Oh so you are dating her?" Nick asked. "This isn't helping my situation!" I whispered-yelled. "Oh wait, the girls are coming back," Nick said.

"Hey," Demi smiled. "Hey, Demz. Is it alright if I take the kid out? You know...have some guy time? I mean, he has been living with girls for the fast few months now," Nick said.

"Um....sure. Go have your guy time," Gaby smiled. "Thanks babe," I smiled as I got up with Nick, gave Gaby a kiss & left with Nick.

"Are we seriously gonna have 'guy time'?" I asked. "No, we're gonna go buy a gift for your lady," Nick said as we got into his car. We drove off to the nearest mall, hoping to find something Gaby might like.

*At the mall*

"Ok, what does she like?" Nick asked me while we were in a store selling dresses. "I don't know," I sighed. "What? You don't know?" Nick asked. I nodded in reply. "Crap! What are we gonna get her if you don't know what to get her?" Nick yelled.

I turned to left & I pointed to the item in the shop's window, "How about that?" I asked. "Perfect!" Nick smiled.

You're Different (Demi Lovato fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now