You're Different (Chapter 3)

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{Gabriella's P.O.V}

I fell asleep on the car ride to Demi's place. I'm just so tired. I can never sleep in a plane; it's just so uncomfortable. I had my headphones on & my head was leaning on the door. The lime drove on a speed bump & I woke up.

"You alright there?" Demi asked. "Yeah. Are we there yet?" I asked. Demi just shook her head. I sighed & leaned my head against the window. Demi took my head & gently leaned it against her shoulder. I just smiled & dozed off to sleep

A couple of hours later, Demi woke me up. "Wake up. We're here!" she smiled. I looked out the window & saw a freaking huge mansion! "Whoa!" I yelled as I got out of the limo. Demi just laughed at my reaction. "Like it?" Demi asked as she opened the door for me. "Nice. Where's your family?" I asked. "I bought two houses. One for my family & one for me. You'll be staying here with me," she smiled.

I swear I was going to scream. I'm! Control yourself Gabs. "C'mon. Lemme show you your room," Demi smiled. I took my suitcases & followed her up the stairs. "How many floors are there?" I asked. "Only four," she replied.

Four? Four floors? Are you freaking kidding me? My room was on the second floor so it was alright. She opened the door & my jaw fell to the ground. The room was painted dark purple. There was a gorgeous bed with a dream catcher hung above it. The was a gorgeous white dresser & night stand. There was a Mac Book Pro on the table, a flat screen Smart Tv & balcony with a beautiful view of New York.

"You like it?" Demi laughed. "Uh...Duuhh!" I replied. "That's not the best part," she said as she opened up the closet. It was a walk in closet! A freaking walk in closet...with clothes is them. "Who's clothes are these?" I asked. "Mine....when I was younger. I saw your Instagram & realised that we have a similar taste in fashion so I decided to share my old clothes with you," She smiled.

I was speechless. "C-Can I hug you?" I asked with tears stinging my eyes. Demi opened up her arms. I ran up to her & gave her a hug. She gives the best hugs.

"You're probably tired from your flight. Just go ahead & take a nap & I'll order some pizza for us to eat when we chat after your beauty sleep," She laughed. "Thank you so much," I smiled as she closed the door.

{Demi's P.O.V}

She seems like a nice girl. I really like her. She looks so happy. There was a twinkle in her eyes when I showed her the room. She must really like it.

A couple of hours later....

{Gabriella's P.O.V}

"DEMI??" I yelled. "In the living room!" She yelled back. "Where the fudge is the living room?" I yelled back. The house was freaking huge & it was like a maze.

Demi found me & brought me to the living room. We turned on MTV, ate some BBQ Chicken Pizza & chatted. "So, who's your best friend?" Demi asked. "I...Um....I've never met my best friend actually," I replied. She looked at me with a questionable look. "I best friend is a girl I met on Instagram, Dorkvato. She's just amazing! We call each other our "Lil' Lovatic" & she's just the funniest person ever!" I smiled.

"Ohh!" Demi replied. I saw her eyes wandering away from my face. She's doing it again. She's looking at my wrists. "Why do you keep looking at my wrists?" I asked.

"Why do you keep cutting them?" she asked. "Promise you won't tell anyone?" I asked. She nodded.

"My...My Ex used to...beat me up & call me names. When I broke up with him, things got worse. He got his friends to do it too. I honestly don't know what I saw in him. We were friends for a while. He had anger management issues & always took out his anger on me. When we broke up, he punched me in the stomach & I got sent to the hospital because he managed to hurt my kidney. It was nothing serious. When I went back to school, he got his friends & the popular girls to make fun of me. He told everyone that I "slept with his brother" & that resulted in me loosing me friends & eventually cutting myself," I explained as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I'm so sorry," Demi said as she pulled me in for a hug, tears rolling down her cheeks too, ruining her makeup. "So, do we have anymore Pizza?" I smiled & asked, trying to change the subject. "I'll go order one more," She laughed as she grabbed her phone. "Hawaian please," I smiled.

Once the pizza arrived, we ate it, joked around & talked about life. We even made plans for tommorrow. Demi's gonna teach me how to swim in her private pool & then we're go bowling & end the day with some shopping. I can't wait!

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