You're Different (Chapter 44)

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{Gaby's P.O.V}

"Oh. My. Gosh!" Demi yelled as we entered her house, " Home Sweet Home! Boy, am I tired. I'm gonna go take a nap, alright guys?," "Sure. No prob," I replied. "Just wake me up if you need anything, alright? G'night," she smiled as she walked up the stairs to her room.

I was about to walk up the stairs when Brian held my wrist & stopped around. "Can we talk for a minute?" he asked. "S-sure," I replied. He held my hand & took me to the back yard. We rolled up jeans & sat at the edge of the pool.

"I don't wanna fight or anything but why have you been avoiding me?" he asked. "Avoiding you? Why would you..." I questioned. "Because you haven't even said like 8 words to me the whole tour," he replied.

"I...I am so sorry. I was too busy having fun with the girls that I forgot all about you," I stammered. "You forgot?" he asked.

Shit. I'm in trouble now.

"I didn't mean it like that!" I quickly replied. "I know exactly you meant. You don't care..." "No, I never said that," I interrupted.

"You didn't have to say anything. I could see it on your body language. You got bored of this little Aussie boy & jumped onto a famous songwriter from New Jersey," he spat out.

"Are you talking about Nick? Gosh, I've already told you there's nothing going on between us & what you said was pretty hurtful. You made me sound like a whore," I replied.

"That's because you are one," he snapped. "Excuse me?" I questioned. "Yeah. A whore. That's what you are. You hardly talk to me anymore. You smile at every guy in sight &I've seen you get really touchy feely with Nick before," he fumed.

"We're just friends!" I yelled. "Yeah? Well, we're more than friends. Why don't you ever hug me as often as you hug him?" he asked. "Because he's a nice person," I replied.

"What? Are you saying that I'm mean? That the man who is your friend is nicer than your boyfriend?" he snapped. "Yeah. He's nicer. You've been nothing but a jerk & an idiot during the whole tour!" I screamed.

"Idiot? Well, let me remind you that it was this 'idiot' that saw how beautiful you were. It was this idiot that helped you to see how beautiful you were inside & out, despite all of your imperfections. It was this idiot that taught you how to smile again & if that's not good enough for you then..."

"What?" I snapped, "you won't do anything about it," "But I...I care about you & I want you to be happy," he sighed. "No, you don't 'cause if you did, you wouldn't have called me a 'bitch' or 'whore'," I replied.

"But...I...I," he stammered. "I don't have all day, Brian. Either say something or just shut up," I shot.

"I was jealous, alright?," he sighed, "You were always so flirty with Nick even though you guys were 'just friends' while you & I were more than friends and..."

"Maybe we weren't supposed to be more than friends. Maybe we should've just stayed friends," I sighed. "So you're saying it's over between us?" he asked. "I'm sorry," I nodded, "but we can still be friends, right?"

"Sure," he sniffed. "Please don't cry," I begged. "I'm not. I'll just take my bags & go," he mumbled. "Go where?" I asked. "Back with my brother," he sighed. "But he'll kill you!" I replied.

"I know but what other choice do I have?" he asked. "You can always stay here, with Demi & I," I suggested. "No. I can't. I don't wanna make things awkward & I don't want to ruin this whole contest trip anyway. Plus, you'll be leaving in a couple of months anyway," he sighed as he walked to the door with his bags.

"So that's it? This is how it all ends?" I asked. "Afraid so. Take care, kid. I'll miss you," he said as he left. "I'll miss you too," I whispered.

*Time skip*

"Gab! I'm ordering McDonalds for dinner. Ask Brian if he wants anything," Demi shouted from the living room. "I can't!" I shouted while running down the stairs. "Why not?" she asked. "'Cause he's gone. He left earlier this afternoon," I sighed.

"What? What happened?" she asked, pulling me onto the couch. "We...broke up; decided that we'd better off as friends," I replied without looking from the ground. "Oh honey, I am so so sorry. I know you really liked him," she said as she hugged me," but hey, you'll always have me & I'll never leave you,"

"Promise?" I sniffed. "I promise I will never ever ever let you face any of your battles alone. Little battles or huge wars, I'll always be there with you; Forever & always," she smiled.

"Thank you Dem. I don't know where'd I be without you or your music," I smiled. "Thank you hun," she kissed my cheek," but there is one thing I wanna ask you,"

"What?" I asked. "What's this I hear about you not eating anything?" she questioned.



"I promise I will never ever ever let you face any of your battles alone. Little battles or huge wars, I'll always be there with you; Forever & always,"

Always know that you never alone, no matter what you are going through. It may seem like no one understands, like no loves you or that the whole world is against you but it's not. It really isn't. You are loved. There are people that love you & want to help but in this society; it's impossible there will be brave souls out there that will step up & show you what you really mean to them & that will change your life.

Stay strong. I know you can do it. I believe in you. No matter what battles you are facing, always know that it doesn't last forever. Trust me, I understand. I've been through it all & I mean all.

Comment your feedback on the chapter. P.S thank you for all of the lovely reads, votes & comments. You guys are the best.

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