You're Different (Chapter 40)

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{Demi's P.O.V}

I got discharged from the hospital at about 2am & I am way too tired to drive back to the hotel so Nick is driving us back. Brian called shotgun while Gaby is asleep on my shoulder in the back seat. The poor thing, she must be exhausted.

*The Next Day*

"Demi Lovato was in the hospital yesterday as she got into an accident. She was reportedly texting & driving..." Terrence Jenkins said on E news. Frustrated, I switched off the TV, "Great. Now the whole world knows! Now how am I going to be a good role model for a Lovatics?"

"Hey, I've been a Lovatic since Camp Rock & I've stuck by you ever since despite of the many slip ups you've had in the past. Why? Because I love you & I know that you're only human. No one's perfect. We all make mistakes but as long you recover from those mistakes with a spring in your step & smile on your face, everything'll be alright," Gaby smiled.

"Thank you sweetie. How do you always know what to say?" I asked. "From you," she blushed. I kissed her cheek & gave her a hug.

We were in her hotel room, waiting for 3pm so that we could go for the soundcheck, get ready for the concert & etc. "I am so bored. Where are Brian & Nick?" I asked.

"Nick? Probably helping the crew set up the stage equipment, lighting and whatnot. Brian? Probably watching porn in the hotel lobby," she chuckled.

"Gab! Why would you say that?" I asked. "'Cause I can," she smiled. "How's the relationship going? You guys aren't really that close anymore..." "Not close? Honey, I know everything and I mean EVERYTHING about him," Gaby smiled.

"Yeah but how much does he know about you...and where is he anyway?" I asked. "At the arcade. You know boys & their video games," Gaby said, leaning her head on my shoulder. Just then, we heard a knock on the door, "Demi, you in here?" we heard Nick yell.

"Yeah. I'm coming," Iyelled as she got off the bed. "Hey! I was enjoying that shoulder of yours. Get back here, young lady," she yelled like an old man. I shot her a weird look as I opened the door for Nick,"Hey, what's up?"

"Just finished up at the arena & I am dead bored," Nick sighed. "So are we," I sighed back. "Oooh! I just remembered, I have some DVDs in my suitcase. We could watch 'em," Gaby smiled.

"Sure. Pick whatever movie you want and we'll watch it," Nick smiled at Gaby. "CAMP ROCK 2 IT IS!!!" Gaby yelled, running towards her suitcase. "Is she always like this?" Nick asked. "Sorta," I replied.

"It's a brand new day. Don't ya see me, changing up my ways so completely," Gaby sang along. She was all hyped up while Nick & I sat there emotionlessly; I mean, what's so exciting about watching myself on tv?

"Camp Rock verseus Camp Starr: The Final Jam. What'd you guys think about that?" I or Mitchie or whoever asked. Gaby moved closer to the tv. "Um....Gab...haven't you seen this movie already?" Nick asked. "Like 80 times!" she replied. "So why are you so hyped up over it?" he asked.

"'Cause this is the first time I'm watching it with subtitles," she replied making me laugh 'till my sides ached. "What's so funny?" Nick & Gaby asked in unison. "The both of you....I can't, I gotta go pee," I said as I got off the bed.

{Gaby's P.O V}

I paused the DVD & turned to look at Nick. "What?" he asked. "You like her, don't you?" I asked. "!" he protested. "Nick, I'm not stupid. I know you're crushing on her," I said. "You kids think you know everything about love and crushes..."

"Nick, I'm 14. I know a thing or two about love," I chuckled. "You're 14? Dang, I thought you were 12!" Nick exclaimed. "Am I really that short? Anyway, what are you gonna do about Demi? I mean, she's in a relationship," I said. "There's nothing I can do but worship from afar," he replied.

"Man, that was deeeeeeeep!" I laughed. "Shut up!" Nick laughed. "I'm a teenage girl, I can't shut up. I probably fangirl in my sleep," I joked, making him laugh again.

"Oh, did you see Demi come out in a snowman costume while Little Mix sang Salute?" I asked. "Yup! Cutest thing ever!" Nick smiled. "Well, to be honest, Demi's always adorable," I chuckled. I heard the toilet in the bathroom flush. That was my cue to play the movie & act as if nothing happened.

"Guys, I'm going down to the store to buy some tampons, alright?" Demi said as she came out of the restroom. "Have fun," I yelled as she left the hotel room.

"So where's that boyfriend of yours?" Nick asked. I paused the movie, "at the arcade," I replied. "What'd he get you for Valentine's Day?" he smirked. "He a diamond encrusted tiara," I replied.

"HE BOUGHT WHAT? CRAP! I TOLD HIM TO GET THE LEATHER BOOTS BUT HE WENT & BOUGHT A TIARA?!" Nick yelled. "Hey, don't yell at me; he's the one who bought it," I replied. "Can I have his number? I need to talk to him," Nick said, taking a deep breath.

"555-9130," I said. "Thanks," he said as he stepped out of the room. Great; I'm watching Camp Rock 2 alone, how nice.

*A few hours later*

"It's in his DNA! D-d-d-DNA & he just takes my breath away, b-b-b-breath away & that's what makes a man so hard to understand..." Little Mix sang. I was standing backstage watching my fellow Lovatics screaming and singing along to the song.

I decided to see how Demi was doing in Hair & Makeup. I knocked on the door & slowly entered, "Hey," "Hey. Sit down & talk with us," Demi smiled while her hair stylist was spraying something into her very bright pink hair.

I walked over to the dresser in the corner & saw many strange containers & tubes on it. "That's all of Demi's makeup for tonight's show," her makeup artist smiled. "All of these tubes? But there are like over 15 bottles!" I said.

"And about half of them are just for the eyes," Demi smiled. "Whoa!" I gasped, "Can I try some on?"

"Sure, go ahead," Demi's makeup artist smiled. "I know nothing about makeup so I may look like a clown," I chuckled. "You'll learn along the way," Demi giggled.

I remember watching the Style Network just 'cause there was nothing else on tv at Demi's place. I remember them saying something about "smokey eyes & a nude lip colour"; oddly enough, I remembered exactly how to apply it. Oh wait...I did this look for Demi's christmas party!

After doing the eyes, which took forever, I tried to find a shade of lipstick which matched my face colour. It took me a while because I'm pretty tan, well I wouldn't exactly say tanned; I may have gotten sunburnt several times while playing netball when I was younger.

I finally found the perfect shade of lipstick, dabbed my finger on it & applied it. "Done!" I yelled. The ladies turned around and looked at me, "awwwww,"

"Did I do a good job?" I asked. "Wonderful!" Demi replied, "but you've got some lipstick on your teeth. C'mon, let's go. I've gotta go perform," "Nice meeting you ladies," I waved as I left the dressing room.

I stayed backstage with Nick while Demi sang her heart out on stage. "What's with all the makeup?" Nick asked. "I just wanted to try it," I smiled. "Where's the boy?" He asked, probably refering to Brian. "I don't know. He hasn't called or texted," I replied.

*After the show (and interviews)*

Nick drove us back to the hotel...again. We don't want a repeat of the incident. I'm a little worried because I still haven't heard anything from Brian. Anyway, we'll go to the hotel, get some sleep, get up at 5:30am & take a flight to the next state.

We finally got back to the hotel. Nick Jonas, you're a good singer but a slow driver (this is not an actual fact. Just pretend...just for this fanfic)

I opened the door & saw Brian sitting on the bed, "Oh there you are! I was worried si..." "We need to talk," he interrupted.

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