Goodbye Again?

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I was wondering the familiar hallway when I reached Lydia's door.

"Don't even think about it," she said behind me.

I turn and say "I was't going to."

"Jackson and I are broken up so you can have him now. The cheater and the backstabber, you two would make a great pair."

I step forward and say "Can't you find it in your heart to forgive me? I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing."

"You obviously wanted to do it though. People do things they want when their drunk. So how long did you have a crush on Jackson for? I remember you telling me that you didn't think he was that cute. I thought I could trust you."

"You can trust me. Lydia I'm your best friend."

"Correction, you were my best friend. You lost that title when you stabbed me in the back."

I sigh and say "I give up. I'm gonna go home. Send Stiles when he's done having fun." I start to walk away but stop and turn back to her. "You know, I might not be your best friend but you'll always be mine. And stop icing out Stiles, he didn't do anything wrong."

She nods and says "I guess that's fair."

I walk downstairs and see Scott laughing with some guys from the lacrosse team as Kira talked with some girls I didn't recognize. I made it to the door and started to open it when a hand reached over my shoulder and closed it. I turned and came face to face with Scott.

"You were gonna break your promise? What happened to saying bye?"

I look down at my hands. "I'm just, I'm not comfortable here. Lydia's still upset with me and its not the same. I'm sorry."

He takes my hands and says "Stay with me for the party then. We'll leave Lydia to her crowd and we can go to the roof like we did when we were little. Please?"

I looked into his soft eyes and I couldn't speak. It was like I forgot how to speak so I just nodded my head and he lead me upstairs. I saw Kira watching us from the living room. I jogged after Scott though and we went up the stairs and onto the roof, looking at the view of the backyard, dancing teens everywhere. I even spotted Stiles in the corner drinking punch and talking to Lydia as she rolled her eyes at whatever he was saying. She was smiling though so she couldn't have hated it too much.

"Ally," Scott said from my right side. "You look like you're gonna cry. What's wrong?"

"I...I miss the way we all were before."

He puts his hand over mine on the ledge and gives it a gentle squeeze. "I do too, but you've still got Stiles and me."

"Not really. Not when Lydia's around. Stiles worships the ground she walks on and she's your sister, so I'm left on my own. I miss when it was just the four of us. I miss Lydia and I creaming you and Stiles in bowling and I miss versing you in pool. I miss Lydia and I making desserts while you and Stiles played video games."

Scott smiles and says "Me stealing cookies straight from the tray even through they just came out of the oven and burning my tongue?"

I laugh and say "That too. I miss that a lot."

"You falling asleep after a late night of studying."

"You making me laugh when I'm stressed."

"You having the worst poems I've ever read."

"Not all of us have your positive and romantic way of seeing the world."

Scott laughs and says "We've had some great memories. I used to tell you everything that was bothering me."

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