Let's Try My Family

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Scott invited me out to dinner with Melissa, Mr. Martin, and Lydia. It was a home cooked meal and not formal at all. It was just like every other time I'd had dinner with them. There was no awkward silence or glaring from across the table. Unlike my family, the Martin-McCall household was one completely filled with love and support.

"It's nice to have you around again," Mr. Martin said. "The past two years felt weird without you and Lydia being attached at the hip."

"It's nice to be back."

Melissa smiles. "I remember when Scott used to come home rambling on and on about you. You've had him wrapped around your finger since you were kids."

"Mom," Scott says with his eyes widened.

Lydia laughs. "Busted."

Mr. Martin then says "You were no better with your crush on Stiles. You bought lip-glosses to match the color of all of his shirts."

Lydia blushes and Scott grins. "Cat got your tongue?"

Lydia elbows him in the stomach and Scott laughs.

"So Allison," Mr. Martin says. "What are your plans for the summer?"

"Oh, I'm mostly gonna be filling my days with Scott and Lydia."

"You should join us for dinner next Friday," Melissa says. "We have a lot of embarrassing Scott stories to go over."

"Mom," he says.

"Hush," Melissa says. "This is gonna be the best part of you dating. I'll even dig up the old baby pictures."

Lydia pinches Scott's cheek. "You had the chubbiest cheeks."

I laugh and Scott pouts. I kissed him and I forgot that his mom and Mr. Martin were there till Lydia cleared her throat. I was blushing so hard that my face probably looked like a tomato but Scott wasn't pouting anymore.

Mr. Martin then says "How about we all watch a movie?"

Lydia then says "I wanna pick."

"Sweetheart, its Scott's turn to pick."

Lydia pouts and Scott nudges her with his shoulder. "How about the Notebook?"

Lydia smiles and kisses his cheek. "Best brother ever."

Scott and I cleared the table as they set up the movie. We had washed and dried quickly and then Scott glanced behind the kitchen wall to spot the others. When he turns back to me, he grabs my hips and pulls me into a kiss. I run my fingers through his hair. Then next thing I knew, I was on the kitchen counter with my legs wrapped around Scott's waist tightly. I run my hands from his hair down to the front of his chest, tracing his abs with my fingers. Scott's hands moved to be resting on my thighs and just leaned further into the kiss.

"You look so beautiful, I couldn't resist kissing you anymore," he says when he pulls away.

I brush my lips against his quickly. "I know what you mean. We should join them for the movie before they come to check on us."

Scott nods and lifts me off the counter. "I love you."

"I love you too."


I was curled into Scott's side and Lydia was on my other side. Scott fell asleep after the movie and Lydia had gone to talk with Stiles on the phone. Mr. Martin went to his home office and Melissa was in the kitchen getting a drink.

"You two are cute," Melissa says when she comes back with two glasses of water.

I smile. "Thanks."

She passes me the water and I take a sip as she sits in the armchair, her right leg crossed over her left.

"So," she says. "I understand dinner with your father didn't go very well."

"That's an understatement. My mother practically kicked Scott out." I bite my bottom lip nervously. "You approve of me dating Scott, right?"

"You kidding sweetheart? I've always thought you two would be perfect together. I love my son, but he's too forgiving. You forgive but only when it's earned. You stand up for yourself and Scott does too but he's more reluctant because he doesn't want to hurt people's feelings. You've always been there for each other."

"I'll never turn my back on Scott. He's always been there for me. Even when I didn't deserve it."

Melissa kisses my forehead. "That's what love means. It means unconditional support. I'm honored to have had you in our lives. You've made mistakes but that's in the past. Just worry about your future."

I nod and look at the clock. "It's getting late. I should start heading home before my mother comes here and throws a fit about me being out so late and not telling her."

"Don't bother. I told your father you'd be spending the night."

"You did?"

Melissa gestures to Scott's sleeping figure. "Do you really think Scott is gonna let you go anytime soon? Don't you remember what it was like when you two were kids?"

I laugh. "He'd fall asleep and I'd try to get up but he'd just tighten his arms around me. I'd call out for you and you'd flick him on the nose and he'd let me go."

"Thankfully the nose flicking worked. Otherwise I think we'd need a crowbar to pry his arms away from you."

I turn to Scott and try to get up from the couch but his arms tightened around my waist. Melissa stands and positions her hand to flick him.

"No," I say. "It's ok. Leave him."

"Sweetheart, the guest room will be so much more comfortable."

I shake my head. "No, it's ok. I like being in his arms. It makes me feel wanted and loved."

Melissa smiles and nods. "Ok. In that case, sweet dreams Allison. I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night Melissa. I'll see you in the morning."

"Promise me that if the couch gets uncomfortable, you'll wake Scott up and go to the guest room?"

"I promise."

Melissa nods and kisses both of our foreheads. I curl into Scott so we were chest to chest. I tighten my hold on him and lean toward his ear.

"I love you," I whisper,

"You too," he whispers back.
Happy Christmas Eve. This is my present to all my followers and readers. Thank you for taking the time to read my work. I love you all.

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