Parties, Drinks, and New Relationships

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"I'll meet you at the party," Scott said when we reached my front door. "I'm gonna walk some more and maybe I'll call Kira back."

I pull him into a hug. "I'm sure everything will be fine. A guy like you always gets the girl he loves."

"I don't know about that. You know what they say 'Nice guys finish last'. Maybe its true because my luck hasn't been too good in getting her."

"Hey, I don't care about that stupid phrase. Its not true. The good guy always wins when it matters. Don't you dare change or I'll kick your ass. I like how you are now."

"Then I guess I'll stay the way I am because no one else's opinion matters."

"Everything will be fine. I'm going to see you at the party and I'll save you a drink."

"Depending how my talk with Kira goes, I might need two drinks."

"I'll meet you on the rooftop?"

"Yeah, I'll meet you there."


"You never came home last night," Stiles said when I walked in the door. He was sitting on the steps. "And now you're home and its seven. Where were you all night?"

"I slept over at the Martin-McCall house."

"For Lydia or for Scott, because if he made a move and you didn't want it, I don't care how much I wanna be back in their lives. I'm not gonna let him or anyone use you just so we get back in their good graces."

"Woah, calm down! Since when do you question Scott? He's a good guy and for your information, he's dating Kira. I slept over because Lydia and I made up. Then this morning, Lydia wanted to throw a party in honor of us being best friends again and she told Scott and I to hangout because she wanted me away from the house because she wants it to be a surprise. Scott and I talked, that's it."

Stiles sighs. "I'm sorry. Scott's the best guy I know. I just, I can't help but be protective of you. I know you could kick my ass but its my responsibility to make sure you're ok."

"I'm fine. I'm home, but we won't be for long. We have a party to attend."

"Will Scott be there?"


"I secretly always wanted you two together, but even he isn't good enough for you in my eyes. No one is."

"I don't know about that. Maybe I'm the one not good enough."

"Never. You're great."

"Go get ready. You have to look good if you wanna impress Lydia."

Stiles runs upstairs. "Oh god, I have nothing but plaid!"

I laugh and head to my room, deciding on a simple black crop-top and jean shorts. There was a knock on my door.

"Come in."

Stiles comes in and gestures to his outfit. He wore a black polo shirt and jeans. "What do you think?"

"You look great."

"So do you. Who you trying to impress?"

"No one. I just wanna look good for tonight."

"Yeah, sure."

"Shut up and go start the Jeep."


When we got to the party, the house was filled with people. All the decorations were related to archery.

"You like it," Lydia asked.

"I love it."

"Only the best for my sister." Lydia then grabs a beer and takes a sip. "Have fun. You and Stiles can stay here tonight and then tomorrow we'll all go bowling. Teammates again?"

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