Not Gonna Happen

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Lydia and I were in the airport, waiting for our flight. I was so antsy. I was pacing back and forth. My sneakers squeaking with each step. 

"Can you stop," Lydia said as she tugged me into a chair. "You're giving me a headache. You'll be with my brother soon enough."

"I want to be with him right now. I've been in hell for three weeks. You and my brother got to go on dates and to hold each other. I only got to talk to Scott once a day for only ten minutes. I just want to see his smile and jump into his arms."

"And jump his bones? Ram your tongue down his throat? Tug his hair as you try to get him closer than he already is? I know you've thought of more than just hugging my brother."

"I have, but I'm gonna be a good best friend and not give you a mental picture of what I want to do to your brother." I shove her playfully. "That's what a good best friend does."

"I've apologized for that!"

"Yeah, and I forgave you until I heard "Batman fuck me harder" through the walls as I was video chatting Scott!"

"I'm sorry! But he did this thing with his hands and," but I cut her off and cover my ears.

"My ears! My ears! They're bleeding!"


We boarded the plane, first class of course. My father refused to have anything other than first class. I fought him on it but he wouldn't budge. I can't complain though, it has wifi so I can video chat Scott for a little while.

"Hey beautiful," a guy from beside Lydia's seat says.

Lydia rolls her eyes and says "I think you're in the wrong seat."

I turn and see the guys twin in the seat next to mine. "Um Lydia, I think they messed up the tickets. It's fine, we're across from each other."

"Fine." She takes her seat and rolls her eyes at the twin.

I take my seat and the twin beside me smiles sweetly.

"I'm Ethan," he says. "That's my brother Aiden."

"Allison," I say as I shake his hand.

I send Scott a text that I was on the plane before putting it in my pocket.

"That you're boyfriend," Ethan asks.


"He's hot."

Aiden then says "You think every guy is hot bro."

"Not every. Just the athletic ones. The chiseled muscles is what gets me."

Lydia then says "I know, right?"

Ethan gestures to Aiden. "Do you want to switch seats so you and your friend can sit together? I wouldn't mind switching."

Lydia nods. "Thanks. That's really sweet of you."

They quickly switch seats and the plane took off soon after.

"Can I borrow your laptop," Lydia asks.

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