Love and Hate

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I was staring at the ceiling of the guest room and I could hear Scott and Lydia in Scott's room.

"We can't just stand back and do nothing," Lydia says. "He can target me but going after mom is not happening. I have to do something."

"No," Scott says. "I felt the same way before but I'm calm now and I know that that is terrible. That'll only make it worse. We can handle anything he dishes out. We're a team Lyds, we've got each other's backs. "

"Scott, if the scouts find out, they won't be as eager to recruit you. I don't want your future to get ruined over that. If Jackson knows, I don't want that to be used against you. I can't just stand back and wait for him to attack again."

"You can and you will. We will get through this and Jackson is gonna be a forgotten memory. He won't be able to hurt any of us anymore. You just focus on school and Stiles and I'll handle the rest."

"Its almost 4. I should probably go get some rest."

Scott says "Yeah. I'll make breakfast."

"Scott, I know I don't say it often, but you're the best brother a girl could have. I'm really lucky to have you. Even if you make saints look evil."

"You're the best sister. Even if you make me carry all your shopping bags at the mall."

I heard Lydia's room door close and stand up. I open my door and see Scott about to go into his room.

"Scott," I whisper. He turns toward me slowly, his room door half opened. "I can't sleep"

He stretches his hand out to me. "Come on. We'll stare at the ceiling together."

I take his hand and we lay down together. "How long have you been awake?"

"I never went to sleep."

He chuckles. "Do you remember when we were seven and the four of us had a campout in the living room?"

"You camp into Lydia's and mine's tent because Stiles was snoring and you couldn't sleep. I put whipped cream on your hand and tickled you with a feather. I totally expected you to smash it into your face."

Scott laughs. "But I wasn't asleep and shoved it in your face. You tried to strangle me."

"I wasn't actually trying. If I had really wanted you dead, you'd be dead."

"I'm glad to know I'm safe from your wrath as long as I stay on your good side."

"How are you gonna do that?" Scott kisses me and I smile. "That's a good strategy."

Scott laughs and caresses my cheek. "You are the most beautiful girl ever. I don't know how I actually managed to get so lucky to have met you. I must've been born under a lucky star."

"It's not a lucky star. You've just got a great heart." Scott's smile drops slightly. "What? Was it too cheesy?"

Scott shakes his head. "I like cheesy but even if I didn't I'd train myself into liking it because you said it. I love everything about you. I even love the way you breath."

"I breath like everyone else."

"You're still my favorite breather."

I roll my eyes and kiss him. Scott keeps us close together as we pull away so that my forehead was still pressed against his. Scott's eyes just stared into mine and I couldn't help but wonder what he and Lydia were talking about. Why had he disappeared last year?

"I wish you never would've kissed Jackson," Stiles says as we walked down the hall. "Lydia won't even look at me and Scott's not exactly icing me out but he's not coming up to me and inviting me to hangout. He's loyal to Lydia and I just wish they'd both stop ignoring me. It's not like I kissed Jackson. Why am I getting punished?"

"Stiles, shut up. I have it worse. I wish Lydia would ignore me. She's spilt paint on ten outfits. She's turned everyone else against me. Scott won't even look at me." I stop and look at Scott's locker. "Where is Scott? It's the first week of school and he hasn't been in once."

"He's probably still out of town. He left two weeks ago for New York. He must still be there. Probably for lacrosse."

"Scott," I whisper. I get a hum in response. "Why did you go to New York last year?"

Scott shifts uncomfortably and sighs. He sits up and faces me quickly. He takes my hands in his and kisses them both.

"I have been keeping something from you. Something that I shouldn't be hiding, especially not from you. And I'm being a terrible boyfriend in having you worry about what I'm not telling you and that's not right. I just, I just don't want things to change between us."

"Scott, you're a great boyfriend. I just want you to be able to trust me. I want us to be able to talk about anything and everything. Nothing could change how I feel about you."

"I do trust you. It's just that I don't want you to think differently of me. I can't handle losing you. Even just thinking about it makes me feel sick."

"You're never gonna lose me. You don't have to tell me right now. Just promise to tell me when you're ready."

"If I don't say it now, I might never. I hate saying it out loud because of what it makes people think. Allison, if I don't tell you right here, right now, I don't think I'll ever find the courage to ever tell you."

"Ok. I'm listening."

Scott starts taking deep breathes. He kisses me quickly and I pull away after a minute.

"Scott, you're stalling."

He sighs. "Ok. I'm ready."

"I'm ready to listen."


What do you think Scott's secret is? Let me know your theories. Can Allison accept it? Will it change how she sees him?

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