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I woke up to my alarm clock blasting on my bedside table. I felt so alone. Mom and dad were both away on some romantic get away for two. They needed a "break" from us kids. They're never around as it is.

"Ally, you up," Stiles asked from the other side of my door.

"Yeah. You can come in." He did with a sad face. "What's wrong Sti? Bad dream?"

"No, good dream. I dreamt that Lydia Martin professed her love to me. I'm sad because I had to wake up to a world where she doesn't even want to know my name."

"It's ok Sti. You'll meet a new girl."

"I want Lydia, no one else. It's all your fault that she hates me. You just had to kiss Jackson! You don't even think he's that cute. You ruined my chances with her. When you two were still friends, she was always over and I would tell her jokes and she'd include me in your plans. Now she won't let me near her. She had Scott tell me to stop bothering her."

Scott. Just his name made my heart flutter. His soft brown eyes and his sweet smile.

"Of all the guys you could've kissed at that party, why did you have to choose Jackson?!"

Allison glares and says "I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't want to kiss him."

"If not him, then who?! Who did you ruin our friendship with Lydia and Scott over?!"

"I wanted to kiss," but I stopped mid-shout. I couldn't tell Stiles that I like Scott. "I wanted to kiss Jackson. I was just so wasted that I couldn't stop myself."

"You should've stayed with me. You should've stayed with Scott. Do you even miss them?"

"All the time."

Stiles sighs. "I'm sorry I snapped at you. I just, Lydia's my dream girl but Scott's always been like a brother to me, but he's so loyal to Lydia that he hasn't hung out with me."

"I'm sorry. Scott hasn't hung out with me either though."

Stiles' cell rings and he looks at the screen. "It's Scott." He puts the phone to his ear. "I haven't bothered Lydia, I swear. A party? You want me to come? Really? Yeah, we'll be there." He hangs up and smiles. "Scott's throwing a party tonight and he wants us to come."

"Lydia won't allow that."

"She said that just because you and her were at war, doesn't mean he has to continue to shut us out."

"I don't think I should go. It could be a trap."

"I'll stay with you the whole time and I'll keep you away from the drinks. Please Ally? Maybe this can repair our friendship with them."

"Stiles, I don't think anything can repair our friendship with them. I kissed her boyfriend."

"You were drunk. Please come. Scott wouldn't set us up. He's too nice of a guy. He's never done a bad thing to anyone. Except yelling at Jackson for breaking Lydia's heart."

"Stiles, I don't wanna go to their house. There are so many memories and it just reminds me that she hates me and that Scott hates me through association."

"Scott doesn't have a grudge holding bone in his body."

I sigh and say "I'll go, but at the first sign of trouble, I'm out."

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