"We Have Seen Better Days"

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Scott and Stiles were out for a guy's night with some of the players from the lacrosse team. Lydia and I were sitting in her room, painting our nails and ready for our sleepover.

"So," she says. "How are things with my brother? Have you two finally done the deed?"

"No, we've haven't. And I won't be sharing any details when we finally do."

"Why not?"

"Because I'm a good friend and I won't scar you with what happens between me and your brother in bed."

Lydia sighs. "Fine. Be a stick in the mud and refuse to share. But secrets between friends cause arguments and arguments end friendships. Do you really wanna end our friendship so soon after we rebuilt it?"

I shove her. "Your threats have fallen upon deaf ears."

We laughed and a knock came from downstairs. Lydia groans but gestures to my bag.

"I'll go get the food. You change into your pjs. When I come back, we are watching Pretty Little Liars. An all night marathon."

I laugh. "You don't have to tell me twice. I'm totally up for seeing Toby."

"I'm more of a Caleb girl. I like a guy whose good with computers."

"That why you have a thing for my brother?"

"No. Your brother is the reason I like guys who are good with computers. He made me realize just how sexy it is."

I roll my eyes. "Go get the food before I kick your butt."

She sticks her tongue out at me and jogs downstairs. I grab my bag but stop when I hear the door slam downstairs. I jog downstairs and see Lydia glaring at the front door.

"I'm not gonna give up on us," Jackson shouted behind the front door. "I'm not gonna let you throw us away all because of a mistake!"

"Go away Jackson! I don't want anything to do with you! Go home!"

"This isn't over Lydia! No one turns me down! No one! I'll make you regret not taking me back!"


The rest of the night went by smoothly. After Jackson had left, the pizza delivery had come and we binged on Pretty Little Liar episode after episode.  It was around four in the morning when I saw Lydia staring out the window.

"Lyds," I say gently. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Talk? Talk about what?"

"Whatever it is that's bothering you. Is it Jackson? Because we're not gonna let him anywhere near you. Scott and I would kick his ass and Stiles would put handcuff him to the flagpole at school naked."

Lydia laughs quickly but then shakes her head. "I know you guys have my back but I have to handle this on my own."

"That's not how friendship works. We're here to protect and love you no matter what. We're family."

"Jackson has tried to blackmail you in the past. I don't want you guys to be collateral damage. I won't let you guys get hurt because of me. You always say that you can protect yourself, well so can I. I'm not some weak girl. I'm Lydia freaking Martin. I'm strong and independent. I can fight my own battles."

"I know, but you don't have to fight them alone. Plus he used his blackmail material already. It's useless now. He doesn't have anything else on me."

"What about Stiles? What about Scott? I refuse to air their dirty laundry. I refuse to put you all in harms way."

"The worst thing Stiles has ever done is sneak onto a crime scene but he helped solve the case so they can't do anything for that. He's a future detective in the making. And Scott? Scott's never done a bad thing in his life. He's the poster boy for the perfect person. He's all about helping people."

Lydia then says "He went away for a year after we started fighting. You remember that, right?"

"How could I forget. I was miserable. I didn't have you as a friend. I didn't have Stiles' support. And I didn't even get to see Scott's eyes."

Lydia then says "Did he tell you why he left?"

"No. Why?"

"I don't want the reason he went away to come out. It could really hurt him. Scott likes to earn everything he does. It's why he's also willing to donate money and to volunteer his time. He hates that he was lucky to have been born into a wealthy family while others struggle to feed their kids. He needs to earn everything he gets. It's why he practices so hard for lacrosse. He wanted to make the team for skill, not because he could buy his way on."

"Lydia, I know what a great guy Scott is. You don't have to try and explain why he is. I already know."

She looks at me as if she forgot I was there. "I'm sorry. Let's just keep watching Pretty Little Liars. I'm gonna go make us some popcorn."

She jogged downstairs. I look at the pictures of us on the wall and the box we've filled with our favorite pictures. I sit down and go to open it.

"Don't!" I turn to see Lydia with a worried look. "It's not filled with pictures anymore. It's filled with drawings and letters."

I raise my hands in surrender. "Sorry. I didn't look inside."

"I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm sorry."

"No, I get it. Somethings are better left unsaid."

Lydia hugs me tightly. "I'm sorry. I love you Allison. You're the sister I've always wanted."

"I love you too." Lydia starts to cry into my shoulder. "Lyds, why are you crying?"

"If Jackson goes through with his threat, I don't want Scott to get hurt as a result. If Scott got hurt, I'd never forgive myself."

"Scott is gonna be fine. We are all gonna be fine."

Lydia nods against my shoulder. "Ok. Good." She wipes her tears and smiles. "Let's get back to our Pretty Little Liar marathon."

It wasn't until 6 that Lydia fell asleep and I found myself awake still, not because I wasn't tired but because I couldn't stop thinking about her crying and her worrying about what Jackson could do. I couldn't clear my head and I needed a clear head so I could fall asleep. I gave up and walked to the kitchen to make myself coffee. I stopped when I saw Scott on the couch, one arm off the couch and the other covering his eyes. I smile and walk over to him. I lay down on top of him and Scott opens his eyes and smiles.

"Hey beautiful. How did you sleep?"

"I'll let you know when I wake up."

He laughs and strokes my back. "Sweet dreams Ally."

Scott. My cure for a clouded mind. My cure for everything.

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