Celebrations Are Better Here

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I woke up to a gentle pressure on my left side. I smiled at the wall.

"Good morning handsome."

I turned over and there was Louis, tail wagging and tongue hanging out.

"Not the guy I thought it was but you're just as cute." I gently pet him and Louis rests his head on my stomach. "Louis, go get Scott. Can you do that? Can you go get Scott?"

Louis leaped off the bed and bolted out the door. A few minutes later, Scott walking in with Louis' teeth on his sock and dragging him toward me.

"Good boy Louis. Good boy."

Scott laughs. "You sent my own dog after me?"

"Desperate times call for desperate measures."

"Why are you so desperate?"

"Today is the only day no one else will be in the house and we haven't had sex since before the incident with my mom. I need you." I throw the covers off to show that I'm only in an old t-shirt of his that barely reaches the middle of my thigh and I shift my legs to give him the slightest peek of the navy blue panties I was wearing. "Don't you need me?"

Scott moans. "That's not fair Allison."

"Come on Scott. Stop being a monk and have some fun with me."

"You, Allison Argent, are a seductive and evil girl."

I turn onto my stomach and bend my knees so that the heels of my feet point toward my head. I bite my index finger as I look at him.

"Don't say that you're not turned on by this side of me. I know you are."

He walks over slowly and Louis sat still by the door. Scott leans toward me and arches my neck so that I could meet his lips but he kisses my forehead and covers me with the sheets.

"I love everything about you. But I also want to live to have a life with you and that won't happen if my mother finds us."

"She's not even home." I grab him by the back of his neck and pull his lips onto mine. He fell on top of me and I wrapped my legs around him so that he'd be trapped. "So stop resisting because it's not gonna work."

Scott shakes his head. "My will strength is legendary. I can resist any temptation. I've resisted soda, candy, and every hot girl wearing a bikini in Florida. I can handle this."

"You sure about that?" I lean in to kiss him but stop. "What did you say about Florida?"

Scott laughs and squirms out of my hold. I sit up and glare at him.

"What hot girls in bikinis?"

"Come on Louis. Let's take you on a walk." He and Louis walked out.

"Scott Anthony McCall, you come back here and tell me what they looked like, their names, and how many there were because I intend on tracking them down and getting rid of them!"

"I love you!" He shouted before the door closed.

I got dressed and headed down to make breakfast. Louis ran into my leg twenty minutes later and I turned to the door and see Scott hanging Louis' blue leash.

"See any hot girls?"

"Just one. I'm looking at her."

"Nice save."

"Not a save. Just the truth. You are the only girl I think of in that way. You're the only girl I love and you're the only girl that I've ever seen myself marrying."

"Ok, I love you again. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Well, my mom called to say they'd all be away for another day so they won't be back till tomorrow night. So I was thinking I could make you breakfast and then we could do whatever you want."

I smirk. "Anything I want?"

Scott laughs. "Yes. Anything."

"Let's eat and then I need your help with something before we get to the fun stuff."

He shrugs. "Fine by me. I'm starving."


"So, what do you need my help with?"

"It's in my room," I say as I gesture to the guest room. "My headboard is a little farther on one side than it is on the other. Can I use your muscle to push it so it's even?"

Scott nods. "Of course."

He walks in and puts his hand on the bars so I took Stiles' handcuffs out from my bag and cuffed him with both hands and the chain behind a bar.

"Perfect," I say.

Scott tugs on the cuffs. "Ally, take these off."

"I can't. I promised Stiles I'd return them as soon as I was done with them. I'm not done with them yet. I'm nowhere near done with them actually."

I raised his shirt as far as it would go and started to kiss his chest. Scott moans and I hear the cuffs bang the bars. I smirk as I lean toward his ear.

"Don't worry. I'm gonna take really good care of you Scotty."

Scott's eyes practically rolled into his head when I ran my nails down his chest. After I took the cuffs off him, he still laid there exhausted and a dopey smile on his face.

"I am the luckiest guy ever."

"Yeah, you are. And don't forget that."

"I don't think I'll be able to forget that if I tried."

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