I Won The Bet But I Wish I Hadn't

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Scott and I were eight. We were sitting in a tree at the park and I had my head on his shoulder.

"Don't fall asleep," he said gently. "I don't want you falling and getting hurt."

"I won't." I grab his hand. "Plus, I trust you to catch me."

Scott pulls me closer to him. "Just in case. My mom says it's better to be safe than sorry."

"Stiles!" Lydia shouted through laughter. "Stop!"

Scott and I looked down to see Stiles tickling Lydia. She jerks her leg out and hits him in the groin. Scott grimaces and I had to contain my laughter by using Scott's shoulder.

"Poor Stiles," Scott said.

I start to climb down and when my foot slips, Scott grabs my hand, so I can get my footing back. Scott follows down not too soon after.

Erica ran over and Jackson did too.

"McCall," he said. "I bet I could beat you to that tree behind the monkey bars."

"You're on Whittemore."

Erica turns to me. "I bet he loses."

"I bet he wins."

"Loser kisses the winner of the race," she asked.

I looked at Scott in his starting position and Jackson smirked as girls passed. I smiled and Scott waved with his sweet smile. I turn back to Erica and shake her hand.

"You're on."

She laughs and says "Prepare to kiss Jackson."

"Not gonna happen. Ever."

Scott won and Erica kissed him.

Scott was sitting behind me, running his fingers through my hair. I turn around towards him so that I could look into his eyes.

"Remember your first kiss?"

Scott chuckles. "How could I forget. Erica grabbed me by my cheeks and smashed her lips onto mine. I thought she made me chip a tooth."

"I really wish it had been me." I run my hand down his cheek slowly. "It really should've been me."

"I still don't get why she did it. She's never had a crush on me. She had a crush on Stiles but then Boyd joined our group and she couldn't think of anyone else."

"We had a bet for when you and Jackson raced. She bet you'd lose and I bet you'd win. Loser had to kiss the winner of the race. I won so she had to kiss you. I should've done that I had to kiss you but I didn't have a crush on you and we were in the stupid phase where kissing was gross."

Scott kisses my forehead. "You kiss me now. That's all that matters."

I nod and pull him down so I can kiss him. His lips fit so perfectly to mine. His arms were gentle but strong. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I needed him as close to me as possible. I didn't want there to be the slightest bit of space between us.

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