Isn't She Great

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Lydia and I were at the mall. She was looking for a gift for Cora.

"It has to be something she'll love," Lydia says as she scans every object on the shelf before doing the same with the next. "She's done so much for the family. I need her gift to be perfect."

"Why are you getting her a gift? She your agent now too?"

Lydia laughs. "No, she got rid of the Jackson problem. Her parents had gotten asked by a college to watch his video to see if he has potential. Cora looked at his records for the surprise drug tests and then watched his performance. She found he was on steroids and she confronted him about it. She recorded their entire meeting and he said how no one would believe her over him. She played the recording back and told him it stays between them as long as he quits his stupid vendetta against us. He was pissed but he agreed." Lydia jumps in place with a smile. "It was the best news anyone could have given me this morning."

"She took care of Jackson?"

"Yeah. She was amazing. She made each of us a copy of the tape so we could use it if we had to. Like if he continues to harass us."


Scott was sitting diagonal from me at dinner that night. My mom and dad sitting across from each other at the opposite sides of the table. Isaac sat beside Scott but there was an empty seat between them and Stiles had thankfully taken the seat beside me on my right and Lydia was to my left. Lydia was facing Isaac, I faced the empty chair, and Stiles faced Scott.

"So, Isaac," my mom says. "How is school going?"

"Quite well ma'am. Thank you for inviting me tonight. Dinner is delicious."

Stiles then says "It's alright. I wouldn't call it delicious."

Scott then says "Lydia and I baked a chocolate cake for dessert."

Isaac scuffs. "You can bake? So much for being a manly guy."

Lydia then says "Says the guy who matches his outfits to whichever scarf he wears."

"Allison didn't mind over the summer."

I stepped in. "I did mind but I didn't care enough to comment. Scott's an amazing cook."

The doorbell rings and Stiles answers it. He comes back with a tray of cookies.

"We have a guest," he says. Cora walks in with a smile. "Cora."

Lydia jumps up. "I can't believe you're here." She hugs her tightly. "You can sit between me and Scott."

Cora then says "Mr. Argent called me and invited me over. Sorry I'm late. I was dropping some papers off for Scott." She turns to him as she sits. "I put them on your desk on the right hand side."

"Thanks Cora," Scott says.

I sat facing her and she smiles sweetly at me. "Oh Cora," my mom says. "You're who to Scott?"

Scott then says "My agent, or at least she will be."

Isaac says "Don't you need talent to have an agent? Who is stupid enough to sign a talentless athlete like you?"

Cora then says "He does have talent which is why my parents signed him."

Lydia then says "If you're such a great athlete, why haven't you been signed yet?"

Isaac was quiet from then on. I stood up to get the dessert and Cora joined me.

"I know you're probably mad but I'm not gonna be around Scott as much. I meant what I said at the hospital. I like you two together. I'm not trying to break you two up."

"Then why have you been around so much?"

"Because like it or not, Scott wants me as his agent and I want to do a great job at that. I helped him with the information and tapes and stuff but now you're the one he needs, not me. I was there to give him his options. You're the one that's gonna be a part of the decision. I'm just on the bench ready to jump in if I'm needed. I'm not gonna be around Lydia and Scott other than at school. They're all yours."

I nod. "Ok."

"Just, don't hurt him. As his friend I don't want him in pain emotionally because it hurts worse than anything physical but as his agent I don't want him hurt because his performance will plummet if he's emotionally unstable."

"I don't wanna hurt him. I just wanna make him happy."

Cora nods. "I know that. Now, let's bring out the dessert so that I can leave faster and give you two more alone time. I'll take Isaac with me so he's out of your hair."

"That'd be nice."


I was laying on Scot's chest on the couch.

"Your mom is glaring at us," he whispers into my ear.

I cuddle into him further. "Good. She doesn't decide who I love, I do. And I love you."

"I love you too. I just don't wanna cause any problems."

"You're the solution to all my problems, not the cause."

Scott kisses my forehead and I smile which was followed by a yawn.

"Sweetheart," my dad says. "Why don't you get some rest?"

Scott meets my eyes. "I'll pick you up tomorrow morning for school."

My dad then says "I was actually thinking she could stay with you and Lydia tonight. I want to talk with your mother and I don't know how loud it could get so would you mind staying with the Martin-McCalls?"

"Not at all. I'll see you tomorrow?"

Dad smiles and kisses the top of my head. "Of course sweetheart." He turns to Scott. "I expect you to be a perfect gentleman Scott. No funny business."

Scott nods. "Of course Mr. Argent."


Scott walked me to the guest room.

"Goodnight beautiful."

I grab his arm. "Why are you saying goodnight? You're coming with me."

"Not tonight beautiful. I'm going to do the gentleman thing and let you rest in a bed alone. We have school tomorrow."

I kiss his cheek. "Ok. But Friday night you're all mine."

Scott kisses my forehead. "I'm all yours all the time."

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