Can't Think Of Anything Better

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'If you could go back to any age what age would it be? And why," Scott asks.

"I'd be eleven. We both liked each other at eleven and I like to think that we'd be together a lot sooner if one of us had had the courage to just confess their feelings." I glance back at Scott. "What age would you be?"

"I'd still be sixteen."

"Why? Why not go back in time and change things?"

He shifts so he could meet my eyes perfectly. "Because the things that happened lead me here. They lead me to you. Maybe if we had dated earlier we would have been too young to really appreciate what we have. Maybe we'd be broken up by now and not want to talk to each other. All I know is that I'm happy where I am right now."

I kiss him. "God I love you."

"Good, because I love you too." Scott kiss me. "Do you remember the year you got your period?"

"Of course I do. I thought I was dying and that a monster was fighting it's way out of my abdomen." He laughs gently but I elbowed his stomach. "It's not funny! I was twelve. You don't know what cramps are like."

"I know that it hurt you a lot. I know that I kept you company that entire week because Lydia had her period at the same time and Stiles was comforting her."

I was curled in bed, clenching my abdomen in pain. A knock on my door made me groan. Company is the last thing I wanted right now. What I needed was Advil and chocolate. Lots of chocolate.

"Go away!"

Scott opens the door and waves sheepishly. "Hey Ally."

"Scott, not today. I don't feel well."

"I know. That's why I'm here." He sits on my bed beside me and unzips the backpack he brought. He passes me three huge chocolate bars and a heating pad. He even takes out an Advil bottle and frozen water. "I brought everything my mom said would help."

I hug him and Scott hugs back gently. I let go sooner than I'd have liked because a another wave of pain swept threw me. Scott plugs in the heating pad and passes it to me. I press it to my abdomen and after a few minutes, the heat helped ease the pain.

"What else can I do," Scott asks earnestly. "I don't like seeing you in pain and me not being able to do anything."

"You brought an entire care package for me. You're so doing something."

He sighs and lays beside me on his left side. "Do you wanna squeeze my hand when it hurts?"

I take his left hand with my right and give it a little squeeze. He kisses my hand and I turn so I'm on my stomach and so the heating pad was underneath me. I look at Scott and he uses his other hand to stroke random patterns on my back gently.

"How's Lydia doing?"

"She's probably asleep. She's been really tired lately. Last I saw, Stiles was sitting in the corner and Lydia had shouted at him to go to the living room so she can sleep."

I nod and Scott smiles softly. "I promise I'll leave once you fall asleep."

"No," I say and squeeze his hand. "No, stay. I want you to stay."

Scott nods and kisses my forehead. "Ok. I'll stay."

"Good," I say. "I'm cold. Can you cover me?"

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