Why Don't You Stay Forever

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Scott was stroking my back gently as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"How long has this been going on for," he asks as the shouting had continued even though it's been two hours since Scott arrived.

"They've been at it for at least six hours. It's ridiculous. It's over. Why can't she accept that? Why can't my dad just kick her out?"

"Because he loves her. They've been married for so long. He wants her to say the right thing so he can give himself an excuse to forgive her."

"How could be possibly want to forgive her?"

"What if I cheated on you? It'll never happen but if I had, what would be your second thought? I know your first would be to skin me alive but after that, when the anger and pain subsided, what would you want?"

I sigh. "Besides slapping whoever you cheated with, I'd try to come up with a reason for still wanting you around."

"Your dad wants her to apologize or show that she regrets it so he can give her another chance. He doesn't want to throw away a marriage. He loves her and just because she might not anymore, doesn't mean he's gonna give up if he thinks he can make her fall in love again."

I sit up and glare at the wedding photo of my mom and dad. "He shouldn't have to hope that she regrets it. She should regret it. She should realize that she made the biggest mistake of her life and should be begging for a second chance. She shouldn't be trying to control the business or using me and Stiles as bargaining chips. We're not pawns in her game."

Scott sits up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist loosely. "I know," he says. "I know." He rests his chin on my left shoulder.

I needed to distract myself. Maybe a joke. "Scott," I say gently. He hums against my shoulder. "The example you used, of you cheating on me, if it ever did happen, I wouldn't skin you alive. That would be too kind of a punishment."

Scott chuckles and kisses my shoulder. "Your dark sense of humor both worries me as well as turns me on. Then again, everything you do turns me on."

I look at him from over my shoulder. "Oh yeah? Give me an example."

"That's easy. That look you get when you tease me, it's complete torture. When you run your fingers through your hair. When you take control and beat me at everything without fear of crushing my self esteem."

"You love that I'm just as athletic as you," I say. "That's how I got you."

Scott kisses my shoulder again with a gentle smile. "Your stick control was very impressive."

I laugh and elbow him in the stomach. "You have such a dirty mind, McCall."

"I didn't mean it like that. I literally meant your technique. You're the one with a dirty mind, Argent."

I look into his eyes and sigh. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For being here whenever I need you. I can't imagine what this day would be like if I didn't have you. You've always been my safe place and I can't think of anywhere else I could go that would make me feel as happy and as safe as you do."

Scott strokes my cheek. "I'll always be here for you. Rain or shine, hell or high water, I'm gonna have your back."

I turn in his arms and straddle his lap. "Have I ever told you that being in your arms is my favorite place to be?"

"Once, when we were seven and the heat had stopped working while your parents were away. You had the nanny bring you and Stiles to my place. Your guest room was getting painted so you ended up bunking with me. Your teeth were chattering and I was in my beanbag chair looking at you from under a little blanket. I couldn't fall asleep so I went beside you and you buried your head into my chest and after a few minutes, we weren't cold anymore. That's when you told me that my arms were officially your favorite place."

I smile. "It was freezing out and you were so warm. It was totally unfair. And the only reason I had gone into your room was because Lydia had locked herself in her own room because she didn't want any drafts coming in by people walking back and forth."

Scott laughs. "I like having you in my arms. I know you're safe if you're with me. When you're away, I always worry."

"You don't have to. I'm quite capable of taking care of myself."

"Trust me, I know. I've seen you kick Stiles' ass more times than I can count. Plus, I heard you broke a frat guys arm when he tried to get you back to his room."

"He totally deserved it. I said no and he didn't take the hint. He was too drunk to even remember my name."

Scott runs his fingers through my hair. "I shouldn't really be talking. If your parents walk by, they might hear me. I don't wanna cause a fight between you and them."

"I don't care. I want you around. I'll always want you around."

Scott lays back down and pats the spot beside him. I shake my head and lay flat on him, resting my head just under his chin.

"You should get some rest."

A glass shattered downstairs followed by my mom shouting some more. I shake my head.

"I don't think I'm gonna be able to. Not with all the shouting. Plus it's kinda hot in here."

Scott rolls us over so he's on top and gets off the bed. He opens my bedroom window before coming back to the bed. He wraps me in the comforter so I can't move and lifts me bridal style. He climbs out the window and we sit on the roof, laying back with the blanket over us. He closes the room window a little and I couldn't hear the fighting. He coiled himself around me and strokes my back as he stares into my eyes. I was on my side and he had put his sweater under my head as a pillow while he used his arm.

"This better? Too cold?"

I cuddle into him further. "It's perfect."
I'm going to try and update the story every Friday and Sunday. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Let me know what you think. Next chapter Jackson will strike again. Who do you think he's going after next?

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