Another Dream Lost

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Two weeks later, I found myself outside the door. This could effect my future forever. I knocked on the door gently and heard footsteps coming toward the door. The door opened and Isaac stood in front of me.

"Allison, I'm so glad to see you. I wanted to talk to you. Do you wanna come in? Is everything ok?"

I shake my head. "My period's late."

His eyes widened and he puts his hands on my shoulders. "Do you know for sure?"

"I brought a test. I couldn't take it at home. I don't want my parents to find out and I don't wanna do this alone."

"I'm here. Let's find out if I'm gonna be a dad."


I sat up against the bathroom door waiting for the test results. Isaac knocks on the door gently.

"Allison, baby, are you ok?"

"Don't call me that. I'm not your baby. I'm not your anything."

"You're my first love. You were my first time. I hope you'll be my last. You said I was everything you've ever dreamed of."

I shake my head. "You're not. You're a great guy, you are, but I didn't want any of this with you. I wanted this with Scott. I wanted all of this with Scott. This wasn't supposed to happen."

"Are you mad at me? You're not the only one whose first time didn't happen like they dreamt. When I dreamt of my first time I thought of waking up with you and you telling me you love me. Instead I got you telling me you love me and running away when you realized it was me. I didn't dream of the girl I'm totally in love with to be disappointed with the fact that it was me beside her."

"I'm sorry. I know that both of us didn't get things the way we wanted, but I'm sure neither of us wanted to have a baby at seventeen."

"We don't know for sure." He pauses. "And if we are, we have options. We could abort, put up for adoption, or we could keep the baby. I'd be with you for whatever you decide though. I might not be Scott but I can be better."

"Stop saying that! You don't know anything about Scott! You can't just decide to be better than him!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry but I can't pretend to like the guy who has me in his shadow. I can make you happy. I can be a great father. I can be everything you've ever wanted in a guy. You just have to forget about Scott and give me a chance. What if we are having a baby? Do you think Scott would except our child if we decide to keep it? What, he'd give up his dream of going pro to be with you and the baby? You think he'd still think that you're the best person in the world? You think his opinion of you won't change?"

I shake my head and cry when I see the plus sign on the test. My future with Scott was gone.

"I know what it's like to be in love with someone you can't have. I spent two years chasing a girl who didn't even know I was alive. I stopped when I met this beautiful girl in France who knew she couldn't have who she'd been chasing either. We went on three dates and by the end of the third date, I knew that I wanted her forever. Allison, that girl is you. I know you'll never love me like you do Scott, but we could try. Maybe one day we'll wake up together and we won't even remember the reason why we were ever in love with the people before us."

"Reasons," I whisper. "There is a million reasons I love Scott and everyday another one gets added to the list."

Isaac then says "Allison, is everything ok in there? You haven't said a word."

I stand slowly and open the door slowly. I show Isaac the test. "I'm pregnant."

He pulls me into his arms and I cry. "We'll get through this. Don't worry. I'm gonna be here for you and the baby."

"We don't know. These tests could be wrong."

"I know. That's why I made an appointment while you were in there. We're gonna find out if we're gonna be parents."


I was sitting on a hospital bed with Isaac sitting in the chair beside me. A nurse checked me and then we were waiting outside for her to come back with the results. I saw the nurse walk over to Melissa and give her a chart before gesturing over to us. Melissa was reading the chart as she made her way over.

"Ok. We have your pregnancy results Ms. Argent." Her head snapped up. "Allison? Is this some kind of practical joke? Did Stiles rope you into this?"

"No. I...I really need my pregnancy results."

"Allison," I heard. I turned and saw Scott standing there. "You're pregnant?"

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