Our Spot

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"You and Scott are finally going on an official first date," Lydia said with excitement. "Where's he taking you? Is he flying in the best chef from Italian and the French baker who makes your favorite cupcakes? Is he taking you for a picnic on the beach? Romantic candle lit dinner? What are you two doing?"

I laugh. "It's a secret."

"No, I need the details. I need to know what you two are doing."

"I can't. It's our little secret. It's just something between the two of us. Has been for a while."

Lydia smiles. "Will you at least tell me what you're gonna wear?"

"I'm gonna wear a black short sleeved button down with a red tank underneath and jeans."

Lydia plops onto my bed and groans. "You two make first dates so casual. What's the point of money if you can't spend it to impress each other?"

"I'm not interested in Scott for money. I like Scott because he's himself around me. I don't want that to change. I like being able to talk to him about complete nonsense and not be judged on it."

Lydia smiles. "You guys make casual romantic. I like it." She stands and starts to leave. "Don't think that just because you're dating my brother, I won't kick your fashionable ass if you let good make out opportunities pass."

I laugh and Stiles walks in not too long after the front door closed.

"So," he said. "Scott."

"Yeah. For a while now."

"That's who you thought you'd kissed at the party. It makes sense now."

"You...You don't mind that I'm dating your best friend, do you?"

"No. Do you mind me dating yours?"


"Great. We're in agreement." Stiles smiles. "He better know how lucky he is to be dating you. Isn't it a little soon though? He and Kira just broke up a week ago."

"I know. I keep thinking about that. It makes me feel guilty but then I think about the fact that I knew him longer and how I actually have feelings for him. Does it make me a horrible person for being happy that she's out of the picture?"

"No. You and Scott have been a team for so long. He's always there when you need him. Especially when I wasn't because I was too busy plotting how to get rid of Jackson."

"What did you come up with?"

"I was gonna get him sent to a boarding school in Switzerland."

I laugh and look at my reflection in the mirror. "Do I look ok?"

"You could show up in a trash bag and Scott wouldn't care."

"Stiles, it's our first official date. I want it to be perfect."

"It will be. I have no doubt that Scott's gonna have the best seat at the best restaurant waiting." He kisses my forehead. "It'll be totally romantic and he'll totally fly in that French baker just so you could have those cupcakes fresh."

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