Family Dinners Aren't Always Bad, But Some Are

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Scott was invited to dinner by my dad. Stiles and Lydia were on a date so it was just the three of us. We would be going out for dinner and Scott would meet us there after lacrosse practice. The restaurant was big and had low lighting. My dad wore a grey suit. I had on a red dress.

"You seem excited," dad says.

"I am. I'm actually dating Scott. It's not just some dream that I'll wake up from. He's mine. He's actually mine."

"Sweetheart," my dad says. "I've never seen you this happy before."

"I don't think I've ever been this happy. It's so surreal. I feel like this will all be a dream. I'll wake up and he'll be just my best friend again."

"Well, you're not dreaming. He's your boyfriend and he's joining us for dinner."

I sigh. Scott walked in a few minutes later. He had on a black suit with a black tie. He was fixing it as he walked toward us. He had the sweetest smile on. I stood up and he greets me with a slow tentative kiss. Nothing too passion filled. My dad was sitting right there. It was still nice. I could smell his Irish spring body wash.

"Hey," I say. "How was practice?"

"It was still going on but I told coach I had a prior engagement and he told me I could go as long as I showed up early tomorrow to run drills with him."

He pushes my chair in for me and shakes hands with my dad.

"Nice to see you again Scott."

"Nice to see you too Mr. Argent."

"How was the school year?"

"It was good. Coach gave us a warning not to go too far for vacation because he's gonna make us practice. He wants the team to stick together and not go out of sync. He told us it was just be till the first week of July. So Sunday we're all free to travel as far as we want. He said he'd make us do suicide laps till we puked if we got injured."

Dad laughs. "That sounds like coach."

"How was your day," he asks me.

"It was fine. I missed you."

"I missed you too. I couldn't wait to be here with you."

"I personally love the idea of you two dating," my mom says as a chair was brought over. She takes the seat and picks up the menu. "I'm thinking of getting the lobster."

"Mom," I say. "What are you doing here?"

"I called the house and Stiles said you were out for dinner with Scott and your father. I got the name of the restaurant and I came over right after my flight. I'm starving. You know how I feel about airplane food."

I knew Scott could sense the tension and he's got a heart of gold because he cleared his throat and tried to get rid of the tension.

"Ms. Argent, it's nice to see you again."

"I'm sure it is. My you've grown. I see you've finally passed Allison's height, even though it's merely by a few inches. And your voice has finally stopped cracking. Good for you."

Scott absentmindedly rubs at his throat. I take his hand under the table and he smiles softly at me.

"I was shocked to hear that you two were dating. I had boys lined up for you at the resort but then I heard you and Scott were together and I thought it was a way better arrangement."

My dad then says "Falling in love is not arranged. It just happens. It's not planned."

"Scott, why don't you head home and you can join us for dinner another night."

Scott nods and stands slowly.

"No," I say. I take his arm. "Stay."

My mom then says "Scott, you have bags under your eyes. Go home and sleep. Can't make it on sports illustrated with bags under your eyes. Go on, make your way home."

Scott kisses my forehead and leaves. I turn towards my mom.

"You had no right to get rid of him. He's my boyfriend and he was invited. You can't just show up and control everything!"

"Allison, don't throw a fit. You're not a little girl anymore and we're in public."

"Like you said, I'm not a little girl anymore." I stormed out of the restaurant and went to Scott's.

I knock on the door and Scott wore the white button down shirt and the dress pants. His tie was loosened up though.

"Ally, what are you doing here?"

"My mom had no right to do that. You were invited out to dinner."

"It's ok."

"No, it's not. She had no right to say any of that to you."

"It's ok. She was right."

I grab his shoulders. "I love you. Voice change and height have nothing to do with that. I loved you when your voice was as squeaky as a squeak toy. I loved you when you were my exact height. I loved you then and I love you now."

Scott kisses me slowly. "I love you so much." He gestures into the house. "Wanna order dinner or I could make us something?"

"How about we both cook?"

"I like the sound of that."

I laugh and I change into a pair of shorts and one of Scott's t-shirts. He wore basketball shorts and a muscle shirt. We laughed as we made chicken and fruit salad. We sat on the couch as we ate and watched Dear John. The entire time I was curled into his side, I couldn't help but think of how my mom could've ruined everything. I wasn't gonna let her or anyone else decide anything about my relationship. I don't care what my mom thinks, I love Scott and nothing she says can change that.

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