Confessions and Bowling

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"Seventh grade," he said with a smile. "I can't believe it. If I was just brave enough to admit that I really really liked you, we'd have been dating in seventh grade."

"But we were both too scared," I said from across the couch. My legs stretched out so my feet were on his lap. "And then I kissed Jackson when I thought he was you."

"I'm offended that you think I'm anything like Jackson."

"I was drunk. I saw what I wanted to see."

Scott was stroking my shin gently with a smile. "I just can't believe you like me back."

"It's kinda hard not to like you."

Scott then says "I still remember the day I decided that I was in love with you. Ten years old and Stiles and I had been playing lacrosse. You and Lydia had just finished baking sugar cookies. Stiles made a joke about girls belonging in the kitchen."

I laugh. "I remember that day."

"Hurry back inside and make us some cupcakes too. We guys have been doing something that requires real skill. You ladies should go back there where you can actually do something."

I glared and Scott was munching on two sugar cookies, one in each hand, as he stood beside Lydia. His eyes were shifting between Stiles and me and Lydia went to step toward Stiles but Scott put his arm in front of her.

"Don't you have to score to indicate skill? You can't get the ball in the net when no one's guarding it."

Stiles glares. "Lets see you try."

I took Scott's stick from the ground, picked up the ball, and scored on Stiles easily.

"That was awesome," Scott said.

"You were impressed."

"Hell yeah I was." He smiles down at his lap before looking back at me. "When did you start to like me?"

"The summer you invited me to stay here because my parents and Stiles were gone. It made me notice just how much I liked being around you and how perfect you kinda are. We played checkers everyday and I creamed you each time. I liked that you didn't mind losing to me."

"In my defence, I wasn't really focusing on the game. I was staring at you for half the game. You're distracting, it can't count."

"It counts."

He shrugs. "Had to try. Do I get a kiss for my effort?"

I smile and lean forward. He leans in and just before he kisses me, I shift and kiss his cheek instead. He laughs and shakes his head.

"You wanna play like that. Fine. Two can play that game."

He stands and walks into the kitchen. He still hadn't come back after two minutes.

"What are you doing in there?"

He came back with a cupcake in his hand and a grin on his face.

"Is that my cupcake?"

Scott shakes his head. "It was going to be my way of officially asking you out, but I guess I'm just gonna have to eat it myself."

"You're not gonna share."

"Not even a crumb."

"That's not fair."

"I never said I'd be fair." He laughs and catapults into the couch, straddling my legs. "If you give me a kiss, I'll give you the cupcake."

I lean forward and right before our lips can touch, I turn and take a bite of the cupcake.

"Hey, that's my cupcake now. Give it back." He launches into a kiss and running his tongue along my bottom lip to get the icing. He pulls away just as I kiss back. "Mhm. That's a good cupcake."

I pull him back into a kiss. I pull away and his eyes are closed and he has a goofy grin on his face.

"Will you go out with me," he asked when he opened his eyes.

"I'd love to. Bowling?"

"No. I've been saving our spot for our first date. That's what I deem special enough for it. There's no one I'd rather go there with but you."

"How can I say no to that?"

"I'm hoping you won't be able to. So?"

"Yes. I'd love to go on a date with you."

Scott holds out the cupcake to me. "Good. Enjoy your cupcake. There are eleven more in the fridge."

I take some icing on my finger and drag it on his bottom lip before kissing him. "Tastes better like this."

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