The Truth is Out

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Lydia was walking passed me in Macy's so I dragged her into a dressing room with me.

"What the hell is wrong with you?! I didn't want to see you at the party and I don't want to see you now!"

"I don't like Jackson! I never did! I didn't kiss Jackson when I was drunk, I mean I did, but only because I thought he was Scott. I let you be mad at me because I didn't want Scott to know that I've been crushing on him since the seventh grade."

Lydia was frozen in place until a giant smile formed. "Seriously? You and Scott? I've always wanted you two together!"

"He's with Kira. I'm telling you because Jackson is trying to use the fact that I called him Scott against me so I'll help him destroy you and Scott's friendship so he can worm his way back into your life." I put my hands together in a begging gesture. "So can you stop hating me long enough to let me stop Jackson and his accomplice from hurting you or Scott?"

Lydia jumps into a hug. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too," I said with a smile.

She pulls away with a grin. "So, when you gonna tell my brother how you feel?" She claps. "We'll be sisters!"

"Never! He can never know. He's happy with Kira and I'm not the type of girl he wants."

"Allison, you're the girl of his dreams. You're the only girl he cares about more than me and his mom. He doesn't have a picture of Kira under his desk."

"That's because they just started dating."

Lydia slaps me upside the head. "He doesn't have a picture of her because he doesn't love her!"

"How do you know he doesn't? Maybe he just hasn't admitted it to himself yet."

"Do you want him to love her?"

"I want him to be happy, just like I want you to be happy."

"What if you make him happier than Kira?" Lydia smiles softly. "I love Kira, I do, but she's not you and she never will be. No one will ever be you."

I shake my head. "Lydia, her not being me is a good thing. Scott and I are opposites. I'm pessimistic. Scott's optimistic. I'm petrified of love and he embraces it. Scott trusts everyone within five seconds of meeting them and I'm doubtful in trusting people I've known for years. I'm not good enough for him."

"Don't you dare. You're totally good enough for him. I've dreamed of you and Scott being together. Why won't you give it a shot? What's stopping you?"

"You and him. I thought you would hate me if I told you that I had a crush on Scott. I thought Scott would laugh at me or be appalled by the idea of dating me. I don't trust relationships. Scott's the only guy that's ever made me think that true love can be a possibility. I don't want to give us a shot and it end in both of us hating each other. That would ruin all the good times we'd ever had together. I don't want to lose him."

Lydia hugs me tightly. "You never could. Scott will always be your friend. I will always be your friend. Now, who did Jackson get to destroy Scott?"

"He didn't say who, he just that he already had someone working on Scott."

"You're gonna help him. We'll tell Scott about Jackson's plan but we won't tell him about the person supposed to sabotage him. We'll make Jackson believe his plan is working and then turn the tables on him. The four musketeers together again."

"There were only three musketeers," I said remembering her commenting on the fact at the party.

"Stiles is right. We are a better version of them. Don't tell him that I said he was right."

I laugh and pull her into a hug. This is like old times.
Sorry for such a late and small update. Been dealing with some personal things. Hope to be writing more often though. Thanks for sticking by this story and I don't forget to share it with friends and give me your opinions.
- Lexi

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