The First Attack

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Lydia and I were out shopping when we noticed Jackson following us. He walks over to us.

"Allison, you look nice. It's a shame that you're not." He turns to Lydia. "You look gorgeous. What are you shopping for? I'll buy you everything you want."

Lydia shakes her head. "I can buy my own things."

"I made a mistake. I was drunk and Allison's hot. But you're the one I want. I'm an idiot. I'm an arrogant jackass."

"Jackson, we're over. Move on."

Jackson grabs her arm and Scott walks over.

"There a problem here," he asks.

Jackson scuffs and pulls his hand away. "No. There's no problem here. I was just leaving."

Scott nods and Jackson walks backwards.

"I hope your mom likes my gift," Jackson says. "She's earned it."

Scott had his arms crossed and Lydia watched after Jackson until he disappeared. Scott turns to Lydia.

"You ok? Did he hurt you?"

Lydia shakes her head. "No, I'm fine."

Lydia glances at me quickly before pulling Scott to the side so I couldn't hear. She started talking to him and a tear went down her cheek as she seemed to be waiting for a response. Scott wipes it and when he's done talking, she hugs him tightly. Scott walks back over to me while Lydia goes into the restroom.

"Is she ok?"

He nods. "She's fine. She just needs to cool down. Too much excitement in such a little amount of time." He kisses me. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out with me tonight."

"Is that a trick question? When do I ever not wanna go out with you?"

"I don't know. You could grow sick of me."

"Not likely. I love you too much."

"I love you so much. You're the best part of my life."

I kiss him sweetly. "Why did you disappear last year?"

"Can I tell you when I'm ready? It's a big deal."

I nod. "Yeah. Just...promise me you'll tell me eventually?"

Scott nods. "I swear. I don't want us to have secrets it's just, this doesn't just effect me. Lydia's been really great about the whole thing and I just want to make sure everything is ok before I worry anyone else because it's really not that big of a deal."

"I trust you. Just tell me eventually."

Scott kisses me. "I'll always tell you everything. I've never lied to you and I don't ever plan on it."

"Even if you did, I'd be able to tell. You're a terrible liar."

He laughs. "I can always tell when you're lying."

'I guess that you'll never have to worry about me lying to you then."

"I love you with all my heart."


Lydia, Scott, and I went back to the Martin-McCall house and found Melissa crying on the couch with a box on the table.

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