What's She Doing Here

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A month later, Scott and I were still dating but we hadn't kissed or anything since he left for New York. I just wanted him to kiss me, just a kiss. His arms just have to pull me close and press his lips to mine. So I can feel like nothing has changed between us at all.

"Allison," Lydia said with her hand waving in front of my face. "Earth to Allison."

"Hm? Oh, sorry. What were you saying?"

"I was telling you that you have to pack your stuff for home instead of just staring at the books like they'll pack themselves." She gestures over my shoulder. "Is this because Cora and Scott are going to that new smoothie place?"

I snap my head towards Scott's locker and see Cora laughing with Scott. Scott had his duffel bag slung over his shoulder.

"He's going on a date with her?"

"No, he's hanging out with her. He's dating you." Lydia then gestures to them. "They're going out for a smoothie, not to a hotel to have sex."

I don't want Scott spending time with her. She's beautiful and athletic. She's never hurt him. I can't lose him. I just got him back. I won't lose him. Not again.


A few hours later, I was laying on my bed trying to read a book. I say trying because I've been on page five for the past hour wondering what Scott and Cora were doing. If she was running her fingers through his hair as she kissed him. If Scott was laying with her at the lookout point, telling her every secret he's ever told me. Telling her everything that was once special between us. I wonder if she's taking off his shirt and kissing his neck. I shake my head and grab my phone before my thoughts could go forward. I dial Scott and wait as the phone rings.

"Hey," Scott says. "What's up?"

"Nothing. I just really needed to hear your voice."

He says "Two more strawberry smoothies please." There was a pause. "Sorry, I was just ordering another smoothie."

"Two? You must be really thirsty."

"One's for Cora. We might leave in a little while. If you want one I could stop by and drop it off for you."

"No thanks. I'd rather just have you here. How about you come over when you and Cora are done hanging out? Say in about half an hour?"

"We were actually gonna go catch a movie. Her parents are out of town for the night so I'm keeping her company. How about I stop by tomorrow and be all yours?"

"Yeah. Maybe we could have a picnic at the lookout point? I'll cook the food. Any requests? I could make all your favorites especially a chocolate mousse cake."

"Actually I'm going on a diet. Gotta keep in shape for the season and for physical therapy so that I can get back in the game sooner."

"Oh, how about I help? What do you do for physical therapy?"

"Jogging and chin-ups and push-ups. Everything cardio related. Cora actually offered to show me this route she runs that's supposed to be amazing right before sunrise. She's offered to jog with me. Thanks for the offer babe."

"Yeah. Are you sure that I can't help?"

"Nah, I've got everything covered."

"You got me another smoothie," Cora's voice rang through the phone. "You are the sweetest guy ever. Next time it's my treat."

Scott laughs. "Allison we'll talk later. Bye."

He hangs up and I toss my phone down on the bed so hard that it bounced before landing a few inches from where I had thrown it. A few seconds later, it rang. I picked it up without looking at the caller id.


"Hey," Scott's voice says. "I forgot to tell you something. I love you Allison Argent. And I'll start my diet a different day. I want to have a picnic with my gorgeous girlfriend tomorrow. In fact, there is nothing I'd rather do."

I smile. "I love you so much."

"I love you too. The movie ends around eight. I'll walk Cora to her cousin's house and then I'll come over and spend the rest of my night with the girl I love."

"That sounds amazing."

"Great. I'll see you later beautiful. I love you."

"I love you too."

As I hung up, I couldn't help but smile because I had Scott's heart. Even when he was with Cora he loves me. Maybe they can be just friends but if she makes a move, I'll totally kick her ass.


"Allison," Stiles shouts from downstairs after the doorbell rang.

I jogged downstairs with a smile when I saw Isaac. "Can we talk?"


That's how I ended up in my room with Isaac sitting on my bed and me sitting beside him.

"You've been ignoring me since that Scott guy came back."

"Scott's my boyfriend."

"You didn't seem to care about that when we were having sex."

"That was a mistake. That never should've happened."

"But it did. We haven't even spoken about the whole we could've had a baby part."

"It was a false alarm. There was no baby."

"So there wasn't even a small part of you that was a little excited about being a mom. A side of you that was buried deep under all your fear and guilt. A side of you that would've liked a future with me. There wasn't a small side that could've been happy with me?"

"No, you're not who I imagined my future with. There wasn't a part of me that thought I'd be remotely ok with us being parents together."

"So you don't want to be with me?"

"No, I want to be with Scott."

Isaac then says "The last time we kissed we were drunk. What if you like me better?"

"No one kisses like Scott. His lips fit perfectly to mine."

'How do you know mine don't? What if mine fits better with yours." Isaac cups my cheek. "I know I could make you happy. Just try it. One kiss and if you feel nothing, I'll leave you alone. But if you feel something, you have to give me a fair shot. One kiss."

I sigh. "One kiss."

Isaac pressed his lips softly to mine and I pressed back.

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