We're Glad You're Here

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Cora was opening a locker by mine come Monday morning.

"Hey," she says sweetly. "Your locker close by?"

"Right beside yours actually. You transferred?"

"My mom's idea. She wants me to graduate from the same school that my older siblings did when they were my age. I preferred my old school but then again my old school didn't have you and Lydia so I guess it won't be too bad."

I nod as I open my locker. "Yeah. So, are you dating anyone right now?"

"No. I'm focusing on my school work and joining the family business." She gets a confused look. "Why do you ask?"

"Oh, just wondering. You're so amazing. There has to be someone interested in you. What about ex-boyfriends?"

She closes her locker and leans against it so that she was facing me. "Besides Scott? No one worth a second chance."

"What about guys that had crushes on you?"

"If guys did have crushes on me, didn't have the courage to actually say the words. Scott was the only guy that could actually walk up to me and tell me that he liked me. That didn't last because he's been in love with you since the seventh grade. I don't think you want me to give an ex-boyfriend a second chance considering its your current boyfriend. What's up? I thought we had moved past the whole I dated Scott thing?"

"We have. I just, I just was wondering about any other relationships. Since we're friends now, we should be able to talk about those kind of things. Even Scott."

Cora nods. "Ok. I'm gonna go talk to Lydia. You'll be ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Go ahead. I'll catch up with you later?"

"Yeah." She leaves to join Lydia and I go to the lacrosse field. Scott was running laps as Coach Finstock watched. "Hey coach. Can I borrow Scott for a second?"

Coach looks at his stopwatch. "Your done for the day McCall. Your punishment is officially lifted. You've got a bright future."

"Thanks coach. See you last period."

Coach leaves and Scott grabs a water bottle. "Hey beautiful."

"Hey handsome." I lean forward and kiss him quickly. "He added time onto your punishment? You were done last week."

"He tacked on another day to ensure I wouldn't do it again."

"I don't know. I think it made you buffer. That means I have a lot more muscle to explore so I can't promise that I won't make you miss another class."

Scott laughs. "Can you at least steal me away when I have lunch or a free period?"

"I'll try." I see Isaac over his shoulder and turn back to him. "Why don't you wash up and I'll wait by your locker so we can head to first period together?"

"Alright." He kisses my cheek. "Love you."

"I love you too."

Scott jogged into the locker room and Isaac took a seat beside me in the bleachers.

"Isaac, you cant keep coming to see me."

"Why not? It's not like you even care about me."

"I do care about you. I just don't love you."

"Because you love Scott."


"What about if you didn't love Scott. Would I have a chance?"

"No because I'll always love Scott."

Isaac chuckles. "Not only do I have to see you everyday but now I also have to see Cora."

Scott walks back out and stops. I jump down from the bleachers and walk toward him.

"No, you talk with your friend. I'm gonna go to class."

"Wait Scott, I'm coming with you."

"No, don't worry about it. Isaac's in our first period class. He can walk you."

"I wanna walk with you."

"I have to do something before first period. I totally forgot about the thing that needs doing. I'll see you later."

He left and I walk after him. He started to head towards first period and Lydia runs over to me and stops me before I could follow him.

"Allison, you'll never guess what just happened."

"Lyds, can this wait?"

"Cora's parents want to sign Scott as soon as he graduates. They already have college scouts offering him scholarships and stuff. They want him to play for them in college."

"That's great."

"I know. Cora just went to tell him the news. I've gotta go tell Stiles."

I go to first period and Cora was hugging Scott. They pull away and Scott kisses her cheek. Cora laughs and ruffles his hair.

"I'd be happy to sign with your family. But I have one condition."


"You have to be my agent."


"You know me better than anyone in your family and you have my absolute best interest in mind. Plus you know my limitations and you won't push me more than necessary."

"In that case, I'd be honored to be your agent. So long as my parents agree."

"They'll have to if they want me as a client."

Cora kisses his cheek. "You're the sweetest guy ever. We better take our seats before class starts. We can discuss everything my parents said over a smoothie."

"How about over dinner? You can join us for family dinner and you can meet my mom. Plus it would save you the trouble of explaining it over and over again ten million times."

"I'd like that. Thanks."


Lydia runs in and jumps on Scott. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thanks Lyds. I've asked Cora to be my agent."

"That's perfect. That's a great team. You two work really well together and I wouldn't trust any other agent to represent my brother."

"I'll do my best."

Scott spots me and stretches his hand out to me. I take it gently and he tugs me into the circle. I bury my face into his neck and plant a soft kiss there.

"I love you. And I'm so proud of you."

He kisses my forehead. "I love you too. You should come to dinner tonight."

"I'll be there."

Lydia then says "I invited Stiles and Chris."

"Now it's really a family dinner," Scott said.

Cora laughs. "Now it's a celebration."

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