Not With You

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I felt nothing. No butterflies. No spark. No fireworks. It was nothing like kissing Scott. I opened my eyes and saw Scott standing in the threshold of my room. He scuffs and starts to walk away.

"Scott," I call as I jump up. "Wait Scott." I run downstairs and stop him when he reaches the door by grabbing his arm. "Scott, please wait."

"Allison, I'm leaving. Don't talk to me. Don't text me. Don't sit next to me in classes. In fact, I think it's best if we just don't see each other at all."

"No Scott, wait. I don't have any feelings for Isaac. You're the only guy I have feelings for. I love you so much. You're the only one I want forever."

Scott shakes his head and takes my hands off him. "You have a funny way of showing that. Spending your time with another guy and kissing him."

"You spent the day with Cora! And she's gonna help you with your physical therapy. What the hell is that about?!"

"Are you seriously trying to turn this on me? Cora and I are friends. Unlike you, I didn't have sex with her while I was away from you. Unlike you I was able to control myself! But maybe I should sleep with Cora. But I'll be sober when I do it!"

He stormed out and I punched the front door when his words finally hit me. I turn and press my back against the door. Stiles and Lydia were standing in the threshold of the living room and Isaac was on the stairs.

"I'm gonna leave," Lydia says. She walks toward me and shakes her head. "Can you move so I can check on my brother? Someone who cares about him has to."

Lydia leaves and Stiles shakes his head.

"You had a second chance. You had Scott even though he would've had every right to never speak to you again and you blew it. And bringing up Cora? Seriously? They went for a smoothie. You went to Isaac and drank beer after beer and then slept with him. Scott had a smoothie with a girl he used to date and that was it."

"Cora Hale," Isaac asks. "Gorgeous brunette with a great body and extensive knowledge on sports? That Cora?"

Stiles turned to him with a glare. "Yeah. That Cora. I think you should leave before you become that Isaac that got beaten to the point of unrecognition with a baseball bat."

Isaac left with his hands held up in surrender. I turned to Stiles and he shakes his head.

"You know you screwed up. I just don't know how you could possibly fix this."


I went to Scott's house early the next morning. I rang the doorbell and waited with my back to the door. I heard it open and I turned to see Scott in a pair of black basketball shorts and shirtless.

"Can we talk?"

"This isn't a good time."

He starts to close the door but I stop it with my hand.


Cora walks downstairs in a blue tank and jean shorts.

"I'm gonna head home. Thanks for last night Scott," as she walks passed me.

I felt my breath catch in my throat. He turns his attention back on me.

"Like I said, it's not a good time."

"You and she...," I trailed off.

"No, her cousin's girlfriend came over so she came here. She slept in the guest room. She borrowed my shirt. No matter how angry I am at you I'm not gonna just throw away my first time. It just won't be with you anymore."

I sigh. "I shouldn't have said what I said. I'm sorry."

"That's the thing. You're always sorry."

"Can I just have one more chance? Just one more and if I mess it up, I'll never bother you again."

"Allison I think we should see other people. I don't think we're working out together. There are just too many things that seem to be separating us. I think it's just the wrong time to be together."

"I love you."

He sighs. "I love you too. That's why it hurts so much." He gestures upstairs. "I'm gonna go do some chin-ups. I'll see you at school?"

"Yeah. We're still friends?"

"No, we're still best friends." He takes my hand. "Maybe one day we can try again but right now it doesn't seem like it's the best thing for us."

I sigh. "Too many complications." I step closer to him. "How about one more kiss?"

He nods with a small smile. "Yeah. I'd like that."

He leans in and kisses me softly. Fireworks were going off. I went a spark run through my entire body. When we pulled away, my lips tingled. Scott's eyes were still closed and he looked so handsome that I had to kiss him again. He pulled me closer and we got lost in the sensation. Scott had me pressed against the wall in no time. I closed the door and we made our way upstairs. Scott had me on his bed in no time and I didn't waste a second in taking off my shirt and jean shorts. He was already half naked after all. It wouldn't be fair. We stayed up there for a good two hours and every second of it was amazing.

Scott was asleep beside me and I couldn't stop watching him. I could still feel the trail of kisses he left on my neck. I could feel his fingers digging into my sides as I had been on top. I could still hear the echo of our moans when we had finished. This is how I imagined it to be like and this is how it would stay.

"I love you," I whisper into his ear before resting my head on his chest.

"I love you too Allison," he muttered. "Thank you for being my first. Will you be my last?"

"I better be because I know I want you to be my last."

"Good." He strokes my back. "Start thinking about a ring because I want to have the perfect one when I propose to you. It won't be anytime soon but I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Do you still want that or do you want Isaac?"

I look into his eyes. "There is only you. Isaac means nothing to me. I want to spend the rest of my life waking up beside you and kissing you. I just want you."

"Good, because if Isaac makes another move on you, I'm gonna strangle him with his own scarf."

I laugh and kiss him. I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

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