An Afternoon with Scott

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Scott and I were walking in the woods. It was a beautiful day out. Sun was shining and not a cloud in sight. It was quiet and it probably would've been awkward if it hadn't of been Scott with me. He's always made me feel comfortable no matter what the situation was.

"So, you and Lydia are back to being the dynamic duo. What changed?"

"We talked and she forgave me."

"I'm glad. It's nice to have you over again. It wasn't the same without you."

I smile. "That's because I'm the life of the party."

"Oh totally." He was staring at me. "Sorry, I just can't remember the last time we were alone like this."

"That's because we were only left alone when Lydia tried to avoid Stiles and Stiles chased after her."

"She likes him," he said. "She just doesn't wanna get hurt."

"Stiles would never hurt her."

Scott then says "She said the same thing about you. And I'm not blaming you. You were drunk and didn't know what you were doing."

Scott's phone rang and I saw Kira's picture appear. He stares at it.

"Are you gonna answer that?"

He looks at me. "No." He declines the call. "I'm not ready to talk to her."

"What if she's calling to apologize?"

"You can't make a mistake and not apologize in person. No matter how small you think it is, you have to apologize in person. Doing it over the phone is so impersonal. Texting it is even worse."

We kept walking and it was a comfortable silence. It was broken when he laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"It's just, I remembered when you were so mad at me that you ignored me for half the day till Stiles took his toy handcuffs and cuffed us together. You refused to even look at me."

I laugh. "We were eight and you had eaten my favorite cupcake from France that my parents flew in for me. It was a big deal back then."

Scott nudges me slightly and says "I get you a dozen of those every year on the anniversary of that day. I usually gave them to your parents so they could give it to you but for the last two years, I've had Danny give them to you."

"That was you? Danny just said I was on someone's mind and gave me the cupcakes. Why didn't you tell me it was you?"

Scott shrugs. "You had forgiven me after being handcuffed to me but I hadn't forgiven myself. I knew I had to make it up to you but I didn't know if you'd be mad at me all over again if you knew they were from me. Whenever I asked if you liked them, you always said the same thing."

I nod. "I love them and if you lay a hand on them, I'll kill you." I laugh. "I was being overdramatic but you never ate one of my cupcakes again."

"You've always had me Ally. And nothing is ever gonna change that. Not even a two-faced jerk like Jackson."

"I'm not interested in Jackson. I've never been interested in Jackson."


"Never," I said. "He's too conceded and cocky. Just not my type."

Scott then says "What is your type?"

"Sweet. Loving. Smart. Funny. Generous. Confident. Helpful. A team player. Sensitive. Attentive. Encouraging."

Scott then says "Basically the complete opposite of Jackson."


He laughs. "Wanna go to the lookout point? It'll be like old times."

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