What Happens Now

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I woke up to Scott stroking my hair. I curled further into his neck and tighten my arms around his waist. A gentle knock on my door caused me to groan.

"Allison," my dad says. "Can you let me in?"

Scott jumps out of bed and climbs underneath it. I get up and unlock the door before going back to bed.

"Come in," I say.

My dad walks in slowly. His eyes were droopy and he had dark circles under his eyes. He sits at the end of my bed.

"Hey sweetheart. I just wanted to apologize about last night. I didn't mean to side against you. I just didn't want that to be another problem. I didn't want the focus on you and Scott when the problem is with me and your mother." He takes my hand gently. "Honey, I love you and I want you to be happy."

"I am. More than I've ever been before."

My dad sighs. "I know. Which is why I hate to do this. Your mother was right. Mr. Martin is closing a deal with environmentalists and it focuses on protecting animals. The investors need to know that they can trust the company and they can only do that if the family supports the company. Stiles is going to a program for criminal investigating so he won't be a problem till school starts up again but by then the investors will have already invested in the company." He sighs and turns so he was facing me completely. "I need you to stop seeing Scott, just for the time being."

"Dad, you can't be serious."

"I hate to do this to you sweetheart, but it'll only be for a short while. After the investors have closed the deal, you can date Scott and do whatever you want."

"Dad, you can't ask me to do this. I finally got Scott. He's finally mine. You can't ask me to give him up."

"Not forever. I like Scott. I just need you to do this so the investors will be reassured about entrusting us with their money. The minute the deal is sealed, I'll invite Scott over. I just need you to stop seeing him for this short while. The deal should be closed before you start school again."

"Summer isn't over for another month. I can't wait an entire month to be with him."

"You've waited years to be with him. A little while longer won't kill you."

"Yeah, it will. Dad, I love him. I can't stop seeing him."

"This isn't up for discussion Allison. I'm sorry. Just till after the deal. As soon as the deal is done, I'll send you and Scott on a romantic date wherever you want. My treat. I'll schedule the meeting within the next few days and as soon as they've agreed, you can have Scott over whenever." He stands by my door, his hand on the knob. "I'm sorry sweetheart. I love you." He closed the door behind himself and I lock it.

Scott crawls out from under the bed and I walk over to him. He goes to speak but I kiss him.

"Don't. I know what you're gonna say and I refuse to stop seeing you. Screw the investors. I'm not wasting time with you. I finally have everything I've dreampt about since seventh grade and I refuse to let people who don't even care about me or my family take away my happiness."

"Allison, it's your dad's company that's on the line. If you stand behind him in support, the deal could be closed sooner. The second it's over, text me and I'll race right over."

I hug him tightly. "I don't wanna have to wait to see you. I want you."

"I want you too. But I don't wanna be the reason your father's company could go down. We'll break for the short while and then I'll be all yours again."

"Fine. But as soon as the deal is closed, we're disappearing on a trip. You and me and a secluded cabin or hotel room."

He kisses my forehead as the doorbell rings downstairs. "Sounds good to me."

"Allison," my dad shouts from downstairs. "It's for you."

I turn to Scott. "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

I jog downstairs and see a bouquet of roses on the side table. I lift the card. My gift to you for being so gracious to my girl. He ought to keep you on your toes. From, Jackson. I roll my eyes and throw the roses into the trash.

"The note was from Jackson but the roses were actually from me." I turn and see Isaac smiling. "I missed you."

"Isaac, what are you doing here?"

"My dad got a job here with the Whittemores. I haven't stopped thinking about you since our summer in France." He pulls me into his arms and kisses me. "I missed you."

I pull away. "Isaac."

"I have a date planned out for us." He walks outside and comes back in with a pink carton. " I remember how much you love these." I see my favorite cupcakes inside. "We can have them after breakfast. I have a table reserved for us at the diner you told me you loved."

My mom says "That's lovely. Allison would be delighted to have breakfast with you. Hurry upstairs to change honey."

Isaac kisses my cheek. "I'll wait right here."

I jog upstairs and Scott was dressed and sitting at my computer desk. 

"Hey," he says. "I'm gonna head out. Don't worry, I'll climb out the window so you don't have to worry about your dad seeing me."

"Scott," I say slowly. "Can you meet me at our spot tonight? We really need to talk."

"Yeah sure." He bites his bottom lip. "Did...Did I do something wrong?"

"No. You didn't do anything wrong. I just really need to talk to you."

"Yeah, sure. Text me the time and I'll be there." He kisses my forehead. "I love you."

I pull him into a kiss. "I love you too."

Scott climbs out my window and I see him walking away slowly. I groan and change into a white tank and jean shorts. I grab Scott's lacrosse hoodie with his name and number and throw it on quickly.  Isaac was a sweet guy so I'd have to let him down easy. We went on three dates when I was in France. It wasn't anything serious. I jogged downstairs and my mom was talking to him. 

"Allison would love to go on a trip with you," my mom says. "I'll pack her bags and you can leave as soon as you get back from the diner."

Isaac nods with a giant smile. "Perfect." He spots me. "You look so beautiful."


"Isaac," I said at the diner. "It's nice to see you again but I really just wanna be friends."

"You said that before you left but you don't have to worry. I'm here to stay. There's no distance between us. We can be together. There's nothing stopping us." He takes my hand from across the table. "It's you and me, Allison."

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