What Did He Have On You?

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"Stiles," I groaned as I made my way to the front door. "You have got to stop forgetting your keys. One of these days I'm just gonna leave your forgetful ass outside."

I threw the door open and stumbled back when I saw it wasn't Stiles at the door. No, it was Kira.


"I'm sorry I'm here so early. Can I come in? We need to talk."

"Um, yeah. Yeah. Come in."

Kira sits on the couch and I stand awkwardly on the opposite side.

"Um, what's this about?"

Kira then says "I heard you're dating Scott."


"Don't look so guilty. I knew it'd happen eventually. Especially after I saw you in his shirt. He spoke about you a lot and I'd have been jealous if I was actually interested in him. Don't get me wrong. He's a great guy, perfect even, but he's not for me."

"Why'd you help Jackson?"

"He blackmailed me. I told him to get lost but then he told me what he had on me. I called it a bluff but then he showed me a tape. He told me the only way I'd get rid of it was if I helped him with something. I agreed and he told me to go get new fencing equipment. He sent me a picture of Scott and I had to ask him out." Kira looks down at her hands. "I hate myself for doing that to him, but I didn't want my secret getting out. I was glad when you showed up again because I thought he'd dump me the minute you showed up again, but.."

I nod. "But he's Scott and buries his own feelings to spare hurting others."

"I came over to warn you. Jackson doesn't like people who interfere with his plans. He's got someone working on Lydia to ruin her and Scott's bond. I don't know who it is but you should be careful."

"I don't have to worry."

"Why not?"

"Because Jackson was blackmailing me but I told Lydia his plan."

"If you don't mind, what did he have on you?"

"Lydia's told you why she hated me for so long, right?"

"You kissed Jackson."

"Yeah, but Jackson wasn't the person I wanted to kiss. I was drunk and I thought he was Scott. I told him I loved him and I threw all caution to the wind and kissed him. I didn't know it was Jackson till Lydia had shoved us apart. Everyone was staring at me and I remember Scott avoiding my eyes and shouting that the party was over. He kicked everyone out and when I tried talking to him, he just shook his head. Stiles went to go upstairs to Lydia but Scott stepped in front of him and blocked his path."

"You've had feelings for him for a long time?"

"Since seventh grade." I shake my head and look at her. "I hope you don't mind but what did Jackson have on you?"

"It's not that big of a deal now a days but it's still hard to admit. I'm gay, well bi actually."

I say "Oh. That's, that's cool. Whatever makes you happy." I sit down. "Why keep it a secret though? No one will judge you on it. There are a few gay teens in town. It's not like we care about it."

"My parents are really traditional and believe same sex relationships are against nature. My girlfriend Malia, she's been my best friend since as long as I can remember, she came over for dinner. My parents started talking about how homosexuals are defying nature. Malia took a fork full of food and didn't bat an eye when she said she liked girls. After she'd left, my mom told me I couldn't be around her anymore."

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