Not Again

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When I got to the door, it was a freshman from school in a red sweatshirt.

"Delivery for Allison Argent."

"Hey Liam."

"Hi Allison. You've got an admirer, they didn't give me a card. Have a good night."

"Bye Liam."

I put the roses in the corner of my room and went into the kitchen. I was finishing up my water bottle when dad came downstairs.

"Honey, I'm gonna be out of town for two weeks. Keep Stiles out of trouble and make sure he doesn't burn the house down."

"Sure thing dad. Be careful."

He kisses my head before leaving. Stiles jogs over to me.

"I'm heading over to the Martin-McCall house for dinner. Scott said he'd save you food and he'd bring it tomorrow so you could have it for lunch. He sent the roses as his apology for whatever he said that made you leave. School got cancelled for a last minute department meeting. You think you'll be fine on your own?"

"Yeah. I've fine. Go ahead. Enjoy. I'll see you tomorrow."

As soon as Stiles walked out the door, I opened the liquor cabinet and took out a full bottle of wine. I grabbed a glass and I just kept pouring until two bottles were empty. I was making my way upstairs when the doorbell rang. I wanted towards it and threw the door open.


Everything that had happened was just wiped from my mind. I was laying on my stomach and I knew I was in my room because I saw the roses Scott had sent in the corner. I stiffened when I felt a breeze over my back which I just realized was bare. In fact, the thin sheets were the only thing on me. I felt a kiss to the back of my neck and I tensed up. That's when I remembered Isaac had been at the door. I felt another kiss on my left shoulder. Then another a bit lower.

My phone buzzed and I saw a message from Scott five minutes ago.

To: Allison
From: Scott
Good morning beautiful. What do you want for breakfast? Any special requests or should I go with your usual order?

I tensed up even further and the kisses hadn't stopped. They just continued to trail lower until they reach the middle of my back, then the kisses went back up to my neck. I took a deep breathe, I had to get rid of Isaac. I'd have to burn my sheets. I'd have to spend the rest of my life alone. I can't believe I slept with Isaac again.

"Ally, wake up. Your breakfast is getting cold," Scott says.

I turn and see a shirtless Scott sitting up with a pair of red boxers on. He smiles and kisses my neck as I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Everything from the other night came back.

"Allison," Isaac says. "Can I come in?"

"No. Isaac you can't come in. You have to stop showing up here. You have to stop coming to me in school. You need to leave me alone. I don't want to be with you. I want to be with Scott. I love Scott more than anything in the world. So you need to go because I'm done jeopardizing my relationship just because I feel bad that you're alone."

Isaac walked away with his head hanging.

"I love you more than anything in the world too," Scott says when he steps out of the shadows.

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