That's Why He Needs Me

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After we had finally gotten dressed, I went to make us lunch. Scott's arms were wrapped around my waist and his chin was rested on my shoulder as I made us burgers.

"I think I could get used to this."

I smile. "I could too."

He presses a kiss to my shoulder. "I'm sorry for what I said last night and earlier today. I was just hurt and scared that it'd happen again."

"It won't. Scott, I swear it won't." I turn in his arms and nestle my head into his neck. "I won't lose you. Not again."

"I trust you."

The phone rings and Scott goes to grab it but I shake my head and kiss him.

"Your sister is hilarious," Cora's voice says. "Just wanted to thank you for last night, I totally owe you. How about I treat you to dinner? I wanted to talk to you about that video you sent me. Get back to me when you can."

I look at Scott. "Video?"

"Yeah. Lydia read that scouts are more interested in players that can demonstrate their techniques on their own as well as on the field so video submissions can attract more scouts to games. I wanted Cora's advice before I sent out the final cut."

"Oh, when do I get to see it?"

"I don't wanna bore you with that kind of stuff. I know you're not really into lacrosse. Plus I know you don't know a lot of the techniques. You don't have to worry about it." Scott kisses me and smiles. "You should come to dinner. I want you to know that Cora's just a friend. She's not a threat to our relationship, because you're the girl I've always dreamed of."

"So you don't like her more than me because she knows sports?"

Scott chuckles. "Of course not. Did I tell you why we stopped seeing each other?" I shake my head. "I was staring at a picture of you and Lydia at camp. She asked me if you were my girlfriend and I told her that I wished you were. She said she was kinda jealous that I was wrapped around your finger but she wished that it was her. She told me to man up and ask you out when I got home. She kissed me on the cheek and said that if it didn't work out to give her a call. We hugged on the last day of camp."

"So you told her you wished I was your girlfriend?"

"Of course. You're the only one for me."

I kiss him quickly. "Let's eat lunch and then we can make out some more."

He laughs and says "Ok, but only if you join Cora and I for dinner."

"In that cause, I will definitely go to dinner with you and Cora."

'I'll go set the table."


Later that night we went to a small restaurant that had opened up in the next town. It had a beautiful setting and Scott sat between Cora and I.

"So the problem with the video was that it wasn't moving with you. There were times that the ball went out of view and it makes it kinda hard to tell if you actually made the shot or if someone was on the sidelines throwing it in. So I think if you have it set in the corner of a wall and practice like that, it'll get the full picture and you won't have to worry about blind spots. And I think you should show that you can also play as a defender because it makes you more appealing. It means you're a double threat. You can make shots but you can also drop back and defend if they need you to. Other than that, your technique alone was fantastic."

Scott nods. "I'll do it over. I didn't think about those pointers when I watched it."

"That's why you have me." Cora turns to me. "Enough video talk. Allison, I want to know more about you. I know you and Scott grew up together. You interested in lacrosse too?"

Scott laughs and says "She's not a big fan of the sport itself but her technique is phenomenal."

Cora laughs and says "Thanks for telling me that Allison." Scott and I laughed with her. "Do you go to the games?"

"I've never missed a single one." I take Scott's hand. "I'm his biggest supporter."

Cora smiles. "That's great. Sometimes all that's needed is a friendly face and performance will skyrocket."

Scott smiles at us. "I'm gonna go pay the bill. You two just keep getting to know each other."

Scott kisses me quickly and leaves. Cora was smiling at me.

"You can cut the act," I say. "He's gone. You don't have to pretend to like me."

"I do like you. You're just as amazing as Scott said. I just don't like you with Scott. You distract him. You throw him off his game. He can't focus on you when he has to focus on his health and the game. You ask him to and he stays up all night, not even saying a word, just holding you. He needs his rest and you can't keep disturbing him because you need to hear his voice."

"Scott likes that I call him no matter what time it is. He likes that I count on him."

"He loves to play lacrosse and he's always wanted to play professionally. In order to do that, he has to stay focused on his game so the team scouts realize how much they need him on their team."

"You're a Hale. The biggest sports agency in the world."

"But all my family does is represent athletes and get the scouts to the games. In order to do that, we need the athlete we represent to show their talents. My family has seen so many great athletes miss their shot because they were heartbroken or exhausted from a night with their loved one. I want the best for Scott and the best thing for him right now is to stay focused on his game so the college scouts will take him because if they take him, then the pro scouts won't be fair behind, especially with my help." She sighs. "I'm jealous of you but I'm not gonna make a move on your boyfriend. That's not who I am. Being Scott's friend is enough for me. As his friend, I want to help his dream come true. As his girlfriend, I want you to help me do that. So if you could just continue showing up to all his games and to keep him calm when he's nervous, you can continue to do all the stuff you do now. While you're doing that, I'm gonna use my parents contacts to get him through the door."

"You really don't want to break me and Scott up?"

"Are you kidding? It's like I said, a friendly face makes performance skyrocket. Your presence makes him a god on the field. I'm not gonna do anything to jeopardize your relationship. Scott's happier with you and I'd like it to stay that way. But if you mess up your chance with him, I'm not gonna let it ruin him. So lets get one thing straight. You keep Scott happy and I'll make sure he's the priority of the scouts. Deal?"


"And no sex the night before a game. It kills the stamina."

I laugh and Scott came back soon after.

"So, everything ok here?"

Cora and I look at each other before nodding.

"Everything's fine," I say.

Cora then says "You're lucky to have her Scott."

"Yeah, I am."

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