I Miss You

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Two weeks later, I found myself alone in bed. Scott was at Gamebreaker lacrosse camp in Connecticut. My phone rang and Scott's picture lights up on my phone.

"Hey handsome," I said sweetly.

He sighs in relief. "I've missed your voice so much and it's only been a few hours since I left. What are you doing?"

"Laying in bed," I say and snuggle deeper into my mattress. I run my fingers over the long black t-shirt that had once belonged to Scott but was now mine. "In your t-shirt. I wish you were here to cuddle me."

Scott then says "I wish I was there with you too. I couldn't turn down camp. I had so much fun last summer and it really helped my game. Plus it helps when it comes to having scouts show up to games."

"I get it. Lydia told me there's a game at the end of the three weeks. Can I come?"

"I already sent your plane ticket in the mail," Scott said. "I can't believe you thought I wouldn't invite you."

"I can't believe you just assumed I'd come."

"I was hoping you would come because I'd really like to have your support. I feel like your presence makes me do a million times better."

"You've always played well. The college scouts are gonna love you."

"What about you? Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you. Do you love me?"

"I love you more than anything."

"Including lacrosse?"

"You've always topped lacrosse and you always will."

I smile. "You don't know how much I want to just rest on your chest and fall asleep."

"I wish you could. I want to hold you so badly. I just wanna wake you up by kissing your neck and caressing your cheek."

"We can do all that when you come back. I'll hold you hostage in my room."

"As long as its with you, I'm happy."

"You better go. You don't wanna get in trouble."

"Yeah. I'll call you tomorrow."

"Ok. Love you."

"Love you too."


Lydia came in and catapults onto my bed.

"I miss my brother. Do you miss my brother?"

"Yeah, I miss your brother a lot. More than anything."

"Wanna distract ourselves? We could go see a movie or to the mall."

"Can't I just go for a run? And then hide under the covers till we go see Scott play?"

"No, I refuse to let you sulk. You and I will have fun. I know you'd rather have your tongue down my brother's throat, but that isn't gonna happen for a while so get off your lazy ass out of this extremely comfy bed."

"I do not have my tongue down his throat! We haven't used tongue."

"You're French and haven't French kissed my brother yet? God you two are progressing slow. We've grown up together, I'd have thought you two would have been humping like bunnies by now."

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