I Never Meant To Hurt You

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"Hey sweetheart," Dad said when he walked through the door.

"Dad," I said. I ran and gave him a hug. He's never around but he's still my dad. I love him. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too. Where's your brother?"

"On a date with Lydia."

"Lydia Martin? When did that happen?"

"Not too long after you and mom left." He nods. "Where is mom?"

"She needed more time to relax but I missed you and Stiles too much so I came back. She'll be home next week. Marcus is with her."

"Dad," I said as I sat on the edge of my bed. "I have to talk to you about something."

"What's bothering you sweetheart? Is everything alright?"

"I'm fine. It's just, it's about mom and Marcus."

"What about mom and Marcus?"

"She's seeing him behind your back. I saw them together years ago and sometimes when I surprise mom at the office she's with him. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want to hurt you, but you deserve so much better. I'm sorry dad."

"Allison," he says as he sits beside me. "You have a heart of gold and I appreciate you wanting to spare my feelings. I've always thought something was going on but I didn't want to believe it. Ignorance is bliss. I can't keep living like that though."

"I'm sorry dad. I'm so sorry."

"You're the best thing I got out of the marriage and you always will be." He kisses my forehead. "Lets change the topic. What's new with you?"

"I'm dating Scott."

"Scott McCall? I'm happy for you. He's always been such a sweet and respectful boy. He makes you happy?"

"Yeah, he does."

"Then that's all I care about."

"Dad, would Stiles and I be separated when you get divorced? Does mom get me and you get Stiles?"

"Sweetheart, I'm not losing you or your brother. I will fight and continue to fight no matter how long or how costly it is."

My phone rings and I see mom calling. I decline the call and lean my head on my dad's shoulder.

"Tell me about Scott. How did that happen?"

I smile. "I've had a crush on him for years. Turns out he's had a crush on me for longer but not by much. We kissed at a party Lydia threw in honor of our friendship being renewed."

"I'm happy for you sweetheart. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

"So do you dad."

"Tell me about your first date with Scott. Where did he take you?"

"It's a secret. He made dinner though and you know how for the past two years, Danny had given me my favorite cupcakes? It turns out they were from Scott. He got the French baker to make me one box for each year I've brought happiness into his life which was apparently sixteen years. He even got him to give the recipe so I could make it whenever I wanted."

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