Breaks Are Great

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"I can't believe Spring Break has already come. Soon it'll be summer again," Lydia says. "That means graduation soon and lots of time at the beach and pool."

"I hear those words and I immediately think of Scott shirtless and wet."

Lydia fake gags. "Don't lick your lips when you say that. It paints a picture that I do not want to have in my head."

"You and Stiles have already scarred me. A few images of me and your brother won't kill you."


"Hello gorgeous," Scott says as he wraps his arms around me from behind. He kisses my cheek. "How is your day going?"

"It's ok. Yours?"

"It's even better now that I'm here with you."

"Did you bring it?"

Scott pulls out the two envelopes from Stanford and Dartmouth. "Right here. Yours?"

I take out my letters from Harvard and Yale. "You nervous?"

"Completely. But I have you so I'll be fine. What about you?"

"I feel like these envelopes weigh a ton and that if I don't open them soon I'll get crushed under the weight of not knowing what they say."

"So let's open them and find out." He kisses my forehead. "I'll read yours if you read mine."

I nod. "Ok."

We swap envelopes and sit on my bed. Scott holds up the Yale envelope.

"Ladies first." I take a deep and he opens the letter. "Dear Ms. Argent, we are delighted to inform you that the Committee of Admissions has accepted you into the Yale class of 2021." I sigh and Scott kisses my forehead. "I'm so proud of you. Ok. Let's see Harvard." He opens the envelope. "Dear Ms. Argent, we are delighted to inform you that the Committee of Admissions has accepted you into the Harvard class of 2021. Congratulations Ally. We'll have to celebrate."

I nod and pull him into a deep kiss, falling back against my bed. Scott pulls away and I get a confused look.

"What's wrong? I thought we were gonna celebrate?"

Scott laughs. "You haven't read me my letters yet. How about seeing if I got accepted or rejected before you decide to jump me?"

I bite my bottom lip. "Sorry. I forgot about it once you said we had to celebrate."

Scott kisses me quickly. "It's fine. No matter what the results are, I'm gonna celebrate you getting into the schools you deserve."

I sit up and take the envelopes in hand. "Do you want me to read the entire first sentence or just whether you got in or not?"

"Just get straight to the point." He closes his eyes. "Start with Stanford."

I tear open the envelope gently and glance over the letter. "You got in. I'm gonna open Dartmouth now." He nods, not opening his eyes once, as I tear open the final envelope. "Scott," I say sadly. He opens his eyes. "Scott, I'm so sorry." He looks down and nods at his hands. "I'm sorry that you get the chance to be in the Dartmouth class of 2021!"

Scott glances up and says "You tricked me." He pounces on me and I laugh. "I love you so much."

I kiss him. "I love you too. I'm so proud of you Scott. I knew you could do it." I bite my lower lip and start to undo his belt. "Now can we celebrate?"

Scott undoes the button on my jeans. "We can most certainly celebrate." He slowly starts to lift my shirt and kisses every inch of skin as it gets revealed. I let out little moans as he got closer and closer to the sweet spot on my neck.

"Allison did you get in," my mom shouted as she burst into the room to see Scott on top of me and peppering my bare stomach in kisses. "Oh my god! Get off my daughter!"

Scott jumped away and my mom grabbed him by his ear and started dragging him out as I threw on my shirt quickly.

"Mom! Stop!"

My mom kept going on her rant and shouting. "You're no longer welcomed here." She shoved Scott towards the stairs and he lost his footing and tumbled down.

"Scott!" I shouted as I jogged down after him.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. No blood and no broken bones. I'm fine."

I glared at my mother and I saw my dad standing at the top of the stairs now with a shocked look. I help Scott up and walk him to my car since he walked here. I drive to his place and cuddle him on his bed.

"I'm not going back there. Not after what she did to you. She could've really hurt you." I kiss his neck. "You're mine. I'm not going to lose you. Not after I almost did so many times."

"Allison, you're never going to lose me. I'm forever yours."

I breath him in and say "I love you. I'm serious about not going back there."

"You can stay in your room here. I'm sure it'll be fine with even my mom."

Melissa was in the doorway and says "It is as long as she actually stays in her room. Mr. Argent called to inform me of the situation you two had been discovered in. Don't think you've escaped a talk young man."

"Yes mom. Should I except the talk tonight or tomorrow morning?"

"Would you two have used protection?"

"Yes," Scott says.

"Then the talk is over. I understand you two are almost adults and I understand that hormones can get the better of you sometimes, but I want you both to understand the consequences of unprotected sex so I just want you both to always be aware of that."

"Yes Melissa."

"Allison, I'd like to be the first to say what an honor it is to have you as a member of the family."

"I'm honored to be considered a member of the family."

Melissa shrugs. "It was bound to happen. Scott's hoped to marry you since you two were little."

Scott looks into my eyes. "It's gonna happen."

I kiss him quickly. "I have no objections. I've dreamed of marrying you."

Melissa laughs. "Ok you two. Congratulations on your achievements but dinner is ready so let's go eat."

"Melissa, I just want to thank you for letting me stay since what happened with my mom. I really appreciate it."

Melissa walks over and kisses the top of my head. "Of course honey. We love having you here. And like Scott just said, he's gonna marry you."

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