He's Still Him

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"I didn't expect to see you here," Scott said as he walked out in dark blue basketball shorts. He was wiping the sleep from his eyes.

I had just walked out of the guest room, fully dressed and having slept great. "I slept over. Lydia and I had talked yesterday."

He smiles and he was just staring at me. I didn't even realize how close we had gotten until Lydia's room door opened, making us jump back.

"Lyds," he said with a crack in his voice. He clears his throat. "I'm gonna make breakfast. You want an omelet?"

"Thanks bro. That sounds delicious."

Scott nods and starts to walk towards the stairs but stops and turns back to me. "Do you still eat four strips of bacon and two eggs scrambled with butter on one piece of toast and strawberry jam on another?"

He remembered. "Uh, yeah. I do."

He nods and starts to walk backwards and almost falls downstairs, but catches himself on the railing. He smiles sheepishly and practically runs downstairs.

"You've always had him wrapped around your finger, I hope you realize that." Lydia said. "He'd do anything you asked him to."

"That's ridiculous. He's not wrapped around my finger."

"You're kidding, right? He's totally wrapped around your finger. I'm sure he'd do anything if it meant you were happy. Do you remember the summer in sixth grade when I had gone to a fashion camp in New York and you were home, all alone because your parents had gone to Florida for a vacation and Stiles had gone to sleep away camp?"

"Yeah, of course."

"You remember how Scott made you practically move in to the guest room so you wouldn't be alone for the summer?"

Of course, I remember that. That summer was the reason I started crushing on Scott. I remember being the eleven year old girl that had locked herself in her room because she was scared of being alone and then the doorbell rang. I remember shaking as I quickly made my way downstairs to the front door, petrified by the idea of someone jumping out. I looked at the security footage for the front door and there was Scott, waving at the camera while the other hand held onto his bike.

"Hey," Scott said when I opened the door. "I was wondering if you'd rather stay with us till your parents and Stiles come home. I know Lydia isn't here but she'll be back a few days before your parents do so you'll get to see her."

"Thanks Scott, but I'm fine here."

"So why are your hands shaking?"

I look down and I know if my Aunt Kate was with me, she'd tell me that I couldn't shoot with confidence if I was scared. I stretched my hand out, holding it straight and a few inches from my face, taking slow deep breathes to stop the shaking, it didn't work.

"You know it's ok to be scared," he gently took my hand. "I get scared when I'm home alone. It's not fun. Lydia hates it so much that she'll stay on the phone with me until someone comes home, usually me. Come stay with us."

"No, I'm ok. Thanks Scott."

"Then stay so I'm not alone. When my mom and Mr. Martin go to work, I'm all alone. Stay so I'm not scared?"

I nod. "Yeah, sure."

He smiles. "Thanks."

Scott and I sat on the couch watching reruns of Saved by the Bell. I was falling asleep but I fought against it. It was the middle of the day for heavens sake.

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