Isaac Is More Than A Friend

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I was waiting at the lookout point for Scott. I had texted him and the moon was full. I heard Scott's dirt bike in the distance getting closer. I turned and he was taking off his helmet. He looked so hot and I wanted to run into his arms. The only thing that stopped me was the frown that was on his face.

"Scott," I say gently. "What's wrong?"

He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it. How was your day?"

"It was ok. I had breakfast with a friend. I would've rather had spent it with you but it wasn't bad." I step toward him. "How was your day?"

"It was fine."

"Just fine?"

"Yeah," he says as he looks down at his feet.

"What did you do?"

"Well, after I left your place I went home and changed. Then I was gonna go out but I saw a box on the steps. I saw some pictures from Jackson and I put them away in my room. I decided I'd go get breakfast at my favorite diner but I ran into Kira so instead we headed for a walk."

"Oh, what did you two do?"

"We went back to her place and we sat in her room talking. Then Malia stopped by with breakfast for her so I left and made my way to the diner. Except when I got there, I didn't expect to see you with another guy." He takes out a picture of Isaac and I kissing from the summer of last year. "Isaac's more than just a friend, isn't he?"

"Scott, he's a little more than a friend but a lot less than a boyfriend. We went on three dates during the summer."

"So you never told him that he was your boyfriend or anything like that?"

"No! Of course not! It was summer vacation! You can't trust relationships that start in the summer! It's all just summer flings! The feelings aren't real."

Scott looks up and says "So we're a fling? You don't actually love me? So what, at the end of the summer you'd end it?"

"No," I say. I step towards him but he stepped back. "Scott, I love you. We're not a fling. I would never do something like that to you."

"I should go. I think it's a good thing that we're taking a break. I need time to clear my head about us."

I grab his hand gently. "You...You still love me, don't you?"

"Of course I love you. I'll always love you." He looks down at our hands. "I just think you need to sort through your feelings. I don't think you're actually in love with me but rather the idea of me."

"Scott, you know that's not true."

"I don't. I think you're in love with how I am around you, not me."

"Thats ridiculous. I'm in love with you. I love your eyes. I love your smile. I love your crooked jaw. I love how you want to take away everyone's pain. I love how you're always there when I need you, like last night." I cup his face with my other hand. "Scott I love you so much. You're the only reason I had hope that true love existed. I love everything about you."

Scott shakes his head. "I love you too. I just think you love him too." He kisses my cheek. "I'm flying to New York these next few weeks. I've asked Lydia to come with me for my check up and once she knows everything is fine she'll come back. I'll talk to you when I get back."

"Scott," I say. "Don't do this. Let me get a ticket and come with you. I love you. Don't leave."

"I'm coming back. I promise." He strokes my cheeks. "I love you. We just need time apart."

"This feels like we're breaking up."

"Just for a short time. Just till you get your feelings together and until after the deal with the investors has closed."

I lean my forehead onto his. "Let me come to New York with you. Please, please let me come to New York with you."

"We need the separation. I'll only be gone a few weeks. Lydia is gonna keep a close eye on me."

"Let me keep a close eye on you. Let me be there for you."

He shakes his head. "Not this time Ally." He kisses my forehead. "I'm gonna go finish packing. Can I give you a ride home?"

Scott was walking me to my car when I stopped and took his hand. "Does this mean that we don't talk while you're in New York?"

"I think it'd be for the best. I'll only be gone for a few weeks. We can handle that."

"Scott I'll always choose you. We don't need this break. Like you said, there's a reason we met."

He nods. "Yeah, but maybe the reason isn't what I thought it was. Maybe I'm just supposed to be your friend."

"No, I don't believe that. I believe we're meant to end up together with lots of kids and grandkids."

We stopped at my car and Scott opens my door for me. "I'll see you when I get back. This separation will be good for us."

I kiss him and lean my forehead against his. "If it keeps us apart then it's not good."

"Some separation is needed." He caresses my cheek. "Our entire lives have revolved around each other. These next few weeks can show us who we are when we're alone. When the world doesn't revolve around how we are around each other."

"I like who I am when I'm with you. Don't you like me better like that?"

Scott shakes his head. "I like you no matter how you are. But I want you to like how you are. Even if it means you like yourself better without me." Scott gestures behind him. "I've gotta go. Drive safely."

"Hey Scott," I called after him. He turned. "This separation isn't gonna change anything. When you get back, I'm gonna find myself right back in your arms and I'm gonna spend every second there. Because I want to be with you and only you."

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